Why is it called Shark Bay Australia?

World Heritage Area On his second voyage to Australia in 1699, the English explorer and pirate, William Dampier, gave Shark Bay its name. It seemed he felt that the area was frequented by sharks, probably mistaking the dolphins for sharks.

What is Shark Bay called now?

It is now kept in the Rijksmuseum. There is a replica in the Shark Bay Discovery Centre in Denham. Bernier and Dorre islands in the north-west corner of the heritage area are among the last-remaining habitats of two varieties of Australian mammals, hare-wallabies, threatened with extinction.

What is Shark Bay known for?

Shark Bay is one of the world’s most significant and secure strongholds for the protection of Dugong, with a population of around 11,000. Increasing numbers of Humpback Whales and Southern Right Whales use Shark Bay as a migratory staging post, and a famous population of Bottlenose Dolphin lives in the Bay.

Where is Shark Bay Australia?

On the Indian Ocean coast at the most westerly point of Australia, Shark Bay’s waters, islands and peninsulas covering a large area of some 2.2 million hectares (of which about 70% are marine waters) have a number of exceptional natural features, including one of the largest and most diverse seagrass beds in the world.

Can you swim in Shark Bay?

The beach has low waves and is sheltered and shaded by fringing rainforest. If you’re swimming, there’s no lifesaving service at this beach. The closest patrolled beach is at Iluka Bluff, about 5mins drive away. Iluka Bluff beach is patrolled only during peak holiday season.

Are there sharks in Shark Bay?

Sharks are no more a threat in Shark Bay than anywhere else around Australia. Of the 28 shark species recorded in Shark Bay only one or two may arguably be considered dangerous.

What is the population of Shark Bay?

approximately 946 people
Shark Bay is a 2.2million hectare World Heritage Area, the town of Denham is the main settlement within the Shire, located 800km from Perth within Western Australia’s popular Coral Coast tourism region. Shark Bay population of approximately 946 people (2016 census) and has a rich and diverse history.

Why do people go to Shark Bay?

If you want to see all the reasons why Shark Bay is a world heritage area, you can follow the 160km Shark Bay World Heritage Drive. It runs between Hamelin Pool and Monkey Mia. The drive incorporates the history of the early French, English and Dutch explorers along with many of the sites mentioned above.

Are there crocodiles in Shark Bay?

It is also found in freshwater rivers and billabongs many miles from the sea. It’s range now extends from Onslow in the west (one was even found as far south as Shark Bay and we note in the latest literature even Exmouth is now included in ‘saltie’ territory.) to Gladstone in the east.

Is Shark Bay full of sharks?

Shark Bay — 800 kilometres north of Perth — became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1991 for the natural splendour of its waters, islands and peninsulas, which provide a home to more than 300 species of marine animals, including 29 types of shark.

Do people live in Shark Bay?

Although physically larger than some European nations, Shark Bay has a permanent population of fewer than 1,000 people. There are two main population centres – the town of Denham with a population of about 600, and the closed salt mining town of Useless Loop.

Is Denham worth visiting?

Self-drive routes, cruises and tours from Denham will take you to some of Australia’s most amazing natural wonders, including WA’s famous Monkey Mia dolphins, Hamelin Pool stromatolites, Steep Point, Shell Beach, Dirk Hartog Island and Francois Peron National Park.