What were popular things in the 2000s?

20 Things Every “Cool Kid” Growing Up in the 2000s Owned

  • Skinny jeans. If a pair of jeans was so tight it cut off circulation and made bending over or walking up or down stairs nearly impossible, you knew it was cool.
  • An Xbox 360. Shutterstock.
  • Razor scooter.
  • Beyblades.
  • Heelys.
  • Zhu Zhu pets.
  • An iPod Touch.
  • Bratz Dolls.

What are popular fads?

Fads are often seen as sudden, quick-spreading, and short-lived. Fads include diets, clothing, hairstyles, toys, and more. Some popular fads throughout history are toys such as yo-yos, hula hoops, and fad dances such as the Macarena, floss and the twist.

What was trendy in the 2000s?

Popular mid 2000s trends for women were embroidered low-rise jeans, yoga pants, thong underwear, cowl-neck tops, tube tops, denim jackets, bell-sleeved shirts, jean shorts, crop tops, whale tails, tracksuits, cargo pants, capri pants, trenchcoats, puffy jackets, longer tank tops worn with a main blouse or shirt.

What are the fads in 2000 to 2010?

Fads and Trends from 2000-2010

  • PVR’s. A PVR is a Personal Video Recorder that allows people to record TV shows/movies without them having to be there (so they can watch it later).
  • High School Musical. This Disney movie was probably the most popular movie in 2006.
  • UGG boots.
  • Furby’s.
  • House Flipping.
  • TREND:
  • Silly Bandz.
  • FAD:

What teens did in the 2000s?

What other decade can boast great teen activities like MSN drama, a lot of skating, Avril Lavigne and the cultural gem of Mean Girls? The 00s were a golden age for teens, the WKD was flowing freely, the internet had become a thing, and phones started offering cameras for all of your selfie needs.

What is the biggest fad?


  • Rubik’s Cube.
  • Parker Pens.
  • Lava Lamps.
  • Marbles.
  • Conkers.
  • Friends (the TV Show)
  • Doc Martens.
  • Pac Man.

What influenced 2000s fashion?

Those usually age 25 and older adopted a dressy casual style which was popular throughout the decade. Globalization also influenced the decade’s clothing trends, with the incorporation of Middle Eastern and Asian dress into mainstream European, American and Australasian fashion.

What fads are popular in the 2000s?

Here are just a few fads that sum up life as a 2000’s kid. 1. Pogo sticks Want to impress your friends? Pogo stick. Trying to one-up your siblings? Pogo stick. Want to get a bunch of bruises and scratches?

What fads sum up life as a 2000s Kid?

Here are just a few fads that sum up life as a 2000’s kid. 1. Pogo sticks Want to impress your friends? Pogo stick. Trying to one-up your siblings?

Do you remember these wacky fads from the’70s and’80s?

From Furbys and Pogs to butterfly clips, you’ll definitely remember some of these wacky fads. Hacky sacks were (arguably) a fad through the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s. Whether you were good at it or not, you still gave it your all and carried it around with you everywhere.

Are these five fashion fads that could make a comeback?

Here are five fashion fads that could make a comeback, along with a few that are totally dated. The 2000s were a completely different time with VHS tapes, body glitter, Britney Spears on repeat, AIM messages, boy bands, and crazy fashion ideas that eventually turned into huge trends.