What was the main difference between Pilgrims and Puritans?

Pilgrim separatists rejected the Church of England and the remnants of Catholicism that the Church of England represented. Puritan non-separatists, while equally fervent in their religious convictions, were committed to reformation of the Church of England and restoration of early Christian society.

What are 2 differences between the Pilgrims and Puritans?

The Puritans are the original group which aimed to bring back simplicity and virtue in Christianity. On the other hand, Pilgrims are the Separatists who were once Puritans but were discontent at reforms. Both groups look to the Scriptures as their final authority on religion and not the clergy. 2.

What was the major difference between the Puritans and the Separatists?

Puritans were English Calvinists who sought to reform, or purify, the Church of England. Separatists were English Calvinists who sought to separate from the Church of England, which they felt was beyond reform.

What did the Pilgrims and Puritans have in common?

Both settled in New England (Pilgrims in Plymouth and Puritans in Massachusetts), both came to America for religious freedom, both were devoutly religious, both wanted to “purify” the Anglican Church of all Catholic rituals, both believed in pre-destination and religious “elect” leaders.

In what ways were the Pilgrims similar to the Puritans?

Both the Pilgrims and the Puritans were English Protestants who believed that the Church of England was in need of reform. Although both were strict Calvinists, they differed in approaches to reforming the Church of England.

How are the Pilgrims and Puritans similar?

But our Pilgrims and Puritans also had many similarities. They had a shared history and experience of old England. They shared a commitment to God and the Biblical revelation so strong that, because of it, both groups were willing to cross an ocean and set up new homes on an unknown continent.

What was the difference between Puritans and Separatists?

What’s the difference between a Puritan?

The main difference between the Puritans and the Separatists is that the Puritans believed that by working together, they might change the Church of England. They think this is still a true religious organization, but it has just separated. Separatists, on the other hand, believed that the Church of England was doomed.

What is the difference between Pilgrims and Separatists?

Pilgrims Look to the New World But while life in Holland was peaceful, it wasn’t English, and the Separatists feared that their children were losing their native culture. They decided that the only way to live as true English Christians was to separate even further and establish their own colony in the New World.

What values and beliefs did the Pilgrims value most?

Every facet of the Pilgrims’ lives was guided by their Christian faith. -They used the Bible as a handbook for living, working, and worshipping. The Pilgrims trusted that their deep reverence for God and their demonstration of faith through religious observance would keep them in good standing with God.