What phonics phase should Year 1 be on?

Phase 5 phonics
Phase 5 phonics Phase 5 generally takes children the whole of Year 1. ‘Here, we start introducing alternative spellings for sounds, like ‘igh’,” says Sara. ‘Children master these in reading first, and as their fluency develops, we begin to see them using them correctly in spelling.

What are the aspects of Phase 1 phonics?

Phase 1 is divided into seven aspects:

  • Aspect 1 – General sound discrimination – environmental.
  • Aspect 2 – General sound discrimination – instrumental sounds.
  • Aspect 3 – General sound discrimination – body percussion.
  • Aspect 4 – Rhythm and rhyme.
  • Aspect 5 – Alliteration.
  • Aspect 6 – Voice sounds.

Is there a phase 1 phonics?

Phase 1 phonics is the first stage of the phonics teaching programme. At this stage, the focus is primarily on developing speaking and listening skills. Speaking and listening are an important set of literacy skills that will create the foundation to a lot of your children’s further learning.

In what order should phonics be taught?

As we stated on our Keys to Success page, phonics instruction must be systematic and sequential. In other words, letters and sounds are taught first. Then letters are combined to make words and finally words are used to construct sentences.

What are the 6 stages of phonics?

(Nursery/Reception) Activities are divided into seven aspects, including environmental sounds, instrumental sounds, body sounds, rhythm and rhyme, alliteration, voice sounds and finally oral blending and segmenting. Phase Two (Reception) up to 6 weeks Learning 19 letters of the alphabet and one sound for each.

What are the 6 phases of phonics?

Do you teach blends or digraphs first?

What order should blends and digraphs be taught? While you should find the best method for YOUR students, it is recommended that blends come prior to digraphs. When learning about consonant blends, students are also learning to recognize patterns in words.

In what order should I teach phonics?

Cluster 1:

  1. Step 1:Introduce the vowels and their short sounds. [
  2. Step 2:Introduce the consonants and their sounds. [
  3. Step 3:Begin blending short vowels with consonants. [
  4. Step 4:Begin blending and reading one vowel words and short sentences. [
  5. Step 5:Introduce the long vowel sounds. [