What is the meaning behind Go Set a Watchman?

“‘Go Set a Watchman’ means, ‘Somebody needs to be the moral compass of this town,'” Flynt said. “Isaiah was a prophet. God had set him as a watchman over Israel. It’s really God speaking to the Hebrews, saying what you need to do is set a watchman, to set you straight, to keep you on the right path.

Is Go Set a Watchman a prequel or a sequel?

Go Set a Watchman, written before To Kill a Mockingbird but essentially a sequel featuring Scout as a grown woman who returns to her childhood home in Alabama to visit her father, was released in 2015.

What does Atticus do in Go Set a Watchman?

Atticus is a man of his times. He treats people fairly and equally under the law, but he does not try to change people who do not do so. Atticus is more concerned, at the end of the day, about the law and justice than about equality for all people.

What are critics saying about Go Set a Watchman?

Some critics argue that Go Set a Watchman introduces a useful complication to our understanding of To Kill a Mockingbird, because it points out that good people can believe bad things, and that people can do good things for bad reasons.

What happens to Scout in Go Set a Watchman?

Yep, in the time between To Kill a Mockingbird and Go Set a Watchman, she aged to a whopping twenty-six years old. But has she grown? She now lives in New York City Lives, where she “beat[s] [her] brains out all year round” (2.51).

What happened to Boo Radley in Go Set a Watchman?

Boo Radley got over his anxiety, left the house, married Dill’s Aunt Rachel, and eventually became mayor of Maycomb, championing integration in schools and civil rights for all.

Is Go Set a Watchman controversial?

A significant controversy around the decision to publish Go Set a Watchman centered around the allegations that 89-year-old Lee was taken advantage of and was pressured into allowing publication against her previously stated intentions.

Is Go Set a Watchman worth reading?

Go Set A Watchman tells a vastly different story, although it uses the same characters and setting, and this does not sit well with with lovers of To Kill a Mockingbird. However, it is a stunning novel that is worth reading. The story both contrasts and compares the types of change one can make in a community.