What is the main dietary source of iodine in the UK?

The British Dietetic Association (BDA) state that fish and dairy are rich sources of iodine, with seaweed being a concentrated source. Eggs also contain iodine. Milk and dairy products are the most common sources of iodine in the UK, with organic milk having less iodine than conventional milk.

What is the main dietary source of iodine?

Food Sources Iodine is found in soil and the ocean, which varies in amount and will affect how much of the mineral is contained in a food. Iodine is found mainly in animal protein foods and sea vegetables, and to a lesser extent in fortified foods like breads, cereals, and milk.

Do athletes need more iodine?

The recommended iodine intake is 150ug/ day but some studies show on average athletes may lose nearly 50% of this requirement in sweat alone. Athletes living in more humid conditions (even without exercise) can lose a greater amount of sweat than those living in cooler environments.

How can I increase my iodine intake UK?

Milk and dairy products are the principal source of iodine in the UK; other rich sources include seafood and eggs. There is a known seasonal variation in the iodine content of milk with higher levels in winter milk than summer milk as cows are more reliant on mineral-fortified feed in the winter.

Is salt in the UK iodised?

Most salt on sale in the UK is not iodised and iodised salt is not used in food processing; there is a poor availability of iodised salt in UK supermarkets and it is not stocked by the two major chains.

Does vitamin D affect iodine?

In the vitamin D deficient group, excessive iodine intake was significantly associated with a high prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in total and TPOAb negative participants. In the vitamin D insufficient and sufficient groups, the association between thyroid dysfunction and iodine intake disappeared.

Does lack of iodine cause muscle cramps?

Symptoms of Iodine deficiency include: dry skin, muscle pain, headache, weight gain, poor memory, constipation, muscle cramps, depression, weakness and brittle nails, slow metabolism, leg swelling, ovary and breast cysts, hair loss, fatigue ( esp around 2-3pm e, insomnia and mental imbalance, irritable bowel.

Does SAXA sea salt contain iodine?

Sea salt comes from a natural source and contains other minerals, but it does not contain iodine.