What is the difference between digital radiography and computed radiography?

DR uses flat panel detectors based on direct or indirect conversion of X-rays to charge, which is then processed to produce a digital image. CR uses cassette-based phosphor storage plates (PSP), which are then scanned by the computerized system into a digital format for image processing, archiving, and presentation.

What is computerized radiography?

Computed radiography is an indirect form of digital imaging using a cassette system similar in appearance and function to that used in conventional film-screen radiography (Fig. 2-37). Within the cassette is a photostimulable storage phosphor (PSP) screen detector plate that stores a latent image upon x-ray exposure.

What is the difference between CR and CT?

Both DR and CR modalities produce a 2D image of the object. In contrast, CT systems produce a 3D image that is created by taking multiple image ‘slices’ (usually many thousands) at different angles around a single axis of object rotation.

What is digital radiography used for?

Digital Radiography Applications Detection of Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) in petrochemical, oil and gas and power generation industries. Detection of Flow accelerated corrosion. Foreign object detection.

What is CCD in radiology?

Charge coupled device (CCD) X-ray detectors have replaced photographic film as the detector of choice for diagnostic imaging, allowing digital copies of images to be captured and stored much more quickly. There are two main types of CCD X-ray detectors—direct and indirect.

What is difference between radiology and radiography?

And, while each career path deals with issues regarding patient diagnostics and testing, radiologists are generally doctors trained to read and interpret imaging scans, while radiographers are medical technicians who perform diagnostics imaging tests.
