What is the cycle of aggression?

Though outbursts of anger can appear unpredictable and chaotic, however, they usually follow an identifiable pattern called the “aggression cycle” (Reilly et al., 1994; Videbeck, 2014). This cycle has five phases: (1) Trigger; (2) Escalation; (3) Crisis; (4) Recovery; and (5) Post-Crisis.

What is the aggression cycle?

What is the cycle of anger?

The anger arousal cycle xi The arousal cycle of anger has five phases: trigger, escalation, crisis, recovery and depression. Understanding the cycle helps us to understand our own reactions and those of others. The trigger phase is when an event gets the anger cycle started.

What are the 5 phases of aggression?

What is the continuum of anger?

The continuum of anger moves from slight irritation to frustration, mild anger to anger, and extreme anger to rage. Some people can recognize, when in the earlier stages of this continuum, that they are becoming increasingly agitated.

What is the difference between irritability and anger?

Irritability is a physiological emotional response to a provoking stimulus; it may be recurrent but it is usually short lived. Anger is a cognitive reaction to an aversive circumstance, ranging from displeasure to rage; it may or may not be dysfunctional.

What happens when anger goes undetected?

In my years as a therapist, I’ve worked with many people who have varying anger issues. I’ve seen the devastating results that unchecked anger can have on people’s lives. Anger that turns into a tornado of rage, seemingly in seconds, can manifest as physical and emotional abuse, road rage, murder, or suicide.

What are the biological correlates of dysfunctional anger disorders?

Biological correlates of dysfunctional anger disorders, such as a higher androgen level, a low heart rate, and a low level of the primary CSF serotonin metabolite, may better define this area of diagnostic nomenclature in the future. In the meantime, the following suggestions to improve diagnostic precision in the DSM appear achievable.