What is Thales theorem in triangle?

Thales Theorem Statement If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle intersecting the other two sides in distinct points, then the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.

What is Thales theorem formula?

0 = (A − B) · (B − C) = (A − B) · (B + A) = |A|2 − |B|2. Hence: |A| = |B|. This means that A and B are equidistant from the origin, i.e. from the center of M.

Is Thales theorem applicable for scalene triangles?

Answer. Answer: It is applicable to all types of triangles.

What is Thales most famous for?

Thales was the first to discover the period of one solstice to the next. He discovered the seasons, which he divided into 365 days. He was the first to state that the size of the Sun was 1/720 part of the solar orbit just as the Moon was 1/720 part of the lunar orbit.

Who discovered rectangle?

it was the Egyptians and Mesopotamians although the Greeks made geometry books that were from the Egyptians.

What is Thales theorem proof?

Statement: If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle, to interest the other two sides at indistinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio. Given: – In △ABC,DE∥BC. To prove:- AD/DB = AE/EC. Construction:- BE and CD are joined. EF⊥AB and DN⊥AL.

What does Thales intercept theorem states?

The Intercept Theorem states that if two intersecting lines are cut by parallel lines, the line segments cut by the parallel lines from one of the lines are proportional to the corresponding line segments cut by them from the other line.

Is BPT applicable for right triangle?

Answer. yes BPT can be applied to acute , obtuse and right angled triangles.

What is BPT and converse of BPT?

Converse of Basic proportionality Theorem. Statement : If a line divide any two sides of a triangle (Δ) in the same ration, then the line must be parallel (||) to third side.

What did Thales contribute to geometry?

Thales has been credited with the discovery of five geometric theorems: (1) that a circle is bisected by its diameter, (2) that angles in a triangle opposite two sides of equal length are equal, (3) that opposite angles formed by intersecting straight lines are equal, (4) that the angle inscribed inside a semicircle is …