What is meant by Cementosis?

Hypercementosis is an idiopathic, non-neoplastic condition characterized by the excessive buildup of normal cementum (calcified tissue) on the roots of one or more teeth. A thicker layer of cementum can give the tooth an enlarged appearance, which mainly occurs at the apex or apices of the tooth. Hypercementosis.

How is hypercementosis treated?

Treatment and Prognosis Patients with hypercementosis require no treatment. Because of a thickened root, occasional problems have been reported during the extraction of an affected tooth. Sectioning of the tooth may be necessary in certain cases to aid in removal.

How does hypercementosis happen?

Hypercementosis is excessive deposition of cementum on the tooth roots. In most cases, its cause is unknown. Occasionally, it appears on a supraerupted tooth after the loss of an opposing tooth. Another cause of hypercementosis is inflammation, usually resulting from rarefying or sclerosing osteitis.

How is Hypercementosis diagnosed?

Hypercementosis is a non-neoplastic condition characterised by excessive deposition of cementum on the roots of teeth. It may affect a single tooth or multiple teeth. The condition is asymptomatic and is detected on radiographic examination.

What is Eorth horse?

EORTH is a newly recognized pathology affecting both the incisors and canine teeth of the horses typically greater than 15 years of age. EORTH is characterized by internal and external resorption of dental structure sometimes associated with excessive production of cementum on the exterior of the tooth.

What is a pulp stone?

Introduction. Pulp stones are concentrations of calcification in the dental pulp. Their cause is unknown, and no firm evidence exists that they are associated with any systemic or pulpal disturbance (White SC, 2000.)

Does Hypercementosis cause pain?

The most obvious symptom would be ridges along the tooth’s apex, but there others. For instance you may feel discomfort in the tooth or a painful sensation. The gums might not be able to accommodate all the additional cementum which cuts additional strain on the tooth.

How common is EOTRH?

Overall, 94% of all horses had at least minor and 62% had moderate to severe radiological changes of the incisor teeth associated to EOTRH. No horse older than 14 years was without radiological signs of EOTRH and all horses over 28 years of age had at least moderate radiological changes of the incisor teeth.

What causes black teeth in horses?

Some livestock have had dark stains on their teeth if the fluoride intake has been excessive. High levels of sulfur in drinking water will also cause teeth to stain dark.