What is infrared light used for?

Infrared imaging, or infrared thermograph, is used in various applications. For instance, night-vision devices use IR radiation to allow humans to see in the dark. IR imaging can also be used in biological applications such as observing the changing in blood flow as thermal monitoring and regulation.

Is infrared light harmful?

Prolonged exposure to IR radiation causes a gradual but irreversible opacity of the lens. Other forms of damage to the eye from IR exposure include scotoma, which is a loss of vision due to the damage to the retina. Even low-level IR absorption can cause symptoms such as redness of the eye, swelling, or hemorrhaging.

What does infrared light do to humans?

Unlike ultraviolet light – which has damaging effects upon the tissues and cells of the body – infrared light helps cells regenerate or repair themselves. Infrared light also improves the circulation of oxygen-rich blood in the body, promoting faster healing of deep tissues and relieving pain.

Which is better infrared or red light therapy?

Red light is visible and is most effective for use on the surface of the skin. Red light occupies the “long end” of the visible spectrum with wavelengths of 630nm-700nm. Infrared light is invisible and is effective for use on the surface of the skin as well as penetration of about 1.5 inches into the body.

What are the benefits of red light therapy?

Red light therapy is promoted as a treatment for some common skin conditions, including to:

  • Improve wound healing.
  • Reduce stretch marks.
  • Reduce wrinkles, fine lines and age spots.
  • Improve facial texture.
  • Improve psoriasis, rosacea and eczema.
  • Improve scars.
  • Improve sun-damaged skin.

Does infrared light give you vitamin D?

Natural sunlight contains both “red” and “infrared” light. These are the two forms of light that are needed in light therapy devices to increase vitamin D production in the body.

How long should you use infrared lamp?

How Often Should You Use Infrared Light Therapy? With your own infrared light therapy device, you can treat your pain once or twice a day at home, the office, or the gym. Treatment times vary from 14 to 25 minutes, depending on the device and the specific pain issue, for each area of the body.

Does infrared light melt fat?

Red light therapy — also known as low-level laser therapy or infrared light — is an emerging non-invasive fat removal treatment. While it may sound too good to be true, proponents of red light therapy claim it has helped remove “stubborn” fat that diet and exercise have failed to get rid of.

How often should you use infrared light?

To see results, make sure you’re using your device the minimum recommended 3-5 times per week. Sessions should generally be between 10-20 minutes long. While the more frequent the sessions the better (every day is ideal), increasing the length of individual sessions has not been shown to increase efficacy.

Is infrared harmful or helpful?

However, new scientific evidence shows that although helpful in some cases, infrared is also harmful for skin, especially as new research shows that the skin is potentially exposed up to six times more IR energy than UV from sunlight.

Does infrared therapy really work?

One study found red and infrared light therapy cut osteoarthritis-related pain by more than 50%. Tendinitis. A very small study of 7 people suggests RLT lessens inflammation and pain in people with Achilles tendinitis. Wrinkles and other signs of skin aging and skin damage.