What is fuel crew?
What is fuel crew?
A fuels crew specializes in vegetation management related to wildland fire hazards and risks. Fuels crews generally have 10 members who focus on implementing fuel treatments in forest and rangeland fuel types.
What is fuel reduction?
Fuel reduction removes vegetation to lessen threat of wildfire. NPS. Fuel reduction projects and vegetation treatments have been proven as a means of lessening wildfire hazards, catastrophic fire and its threat to public and firefighter safety, and damage to property.
What is ladder fuel reduction?
The purpose of any fuels reduction project is to change the size and composition of the fuels in the forest, creating a break in fuel continuity. Doing so removes ladder fuels which can carry fire from the forest floor to the tree crowns where it can become a devastating fire that quickly spreads.
What method or methods would you use to reduce fuel loads?
Fuel loading can be reduced either mechanically, or by grazing. Mechanical treatment can include onsite chipping of debris, firewood collection, thinning, piling, mastication, mechanical removal of logging debris, or whole tree harvesting.
What do engine crews do?
Engine crews range in size from two to ten firefighters. They work with specialized wildland fire engines that carry special equipment to spray water and foam. Engine crews also perform a variety of other wildland fire tasks: Respond to reports of new wildfires and serve as initial attack forces.
What is a fire hand crew?
Handcrews are diverse teams of career and temporary wildland firefighters. The crews typically consist of 18 – 20 men and women but can also contain 4 to 6 and 8 to 10. These crews have the responsibilities of constructing firelines – strips of land cleared of flammable materials and dug down to mineral soil.
What are fuel reduction projects?
Fuels reduction activities are a key tool for firefighters, land managers, and property owners. These activities include the removal or reduction of overgrown vegetation through the use of prescribed fire, tree thinning, pruning, chipping, androadway clearance, among others.
What is fire fuel reduction?
What is forest fuel management?
Fuel management involves the modification of a forest structure to reduce forest fuel accumulations available in a wildfire. The goal for managing hazardous vegetation fuels on the landscape is to create fire resilient ecosystems. Fuel Management.
What is a helitack crew?
Helitack crews are teams of firefighters who are transported by helicopter to wildfires. Helicopters provide rapid transport, enabling helitack crews to quickly respond and assess a wildfire situation. Helitack crews may land near a wildfire or, if equipped and trained, rappel from a hovering helicopter.
What states have hotshot crews?
The Bureau of Land Management has 11 interagency hotshot crews stationed in Alaska, California, Colorado, Idaho, Mississippi, Nevada, Oregon, and Utah. A hotshot crew consists of 20 specially-trained firefighters. They provide an organized, mobile, and skilled workforce for all phases of wildland fire management.