What is FastLoad and MultiLoad in Teradata?

FastLoad can sort the incoming rows directly into the target table, whereas MultiLoad first sorts the incoming rows into a worktable and then applies the worktable to the target table. MultiLoad fully supports mulltiset tables with duplicate rows.

What is MultiLoad in Teradata?

Advertisements. MultiLoad can load multiple tables at a time and it can also perform different types of tasks such as INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE and UPSERT. It can load up to 5 tables at a time and perform up to 20 DML operations in a script. The target table is not required for MultiLoad.

How does FastLoad work in Teradata?

Teradata FastLoad utility establishes multiple session i.e., one session per AMP by default, does not use any transient journal during operation, and transfer data using block rather than row to load data into the table. That’s why it is so fast. It loads only one table at a time.

How many phases are in FastLoad in Teradata?

two phases
Fastload has two phases: acquisition phase and application phase. mload has 5 phases(Note: however there is no acquisition phase for mload delete). mload phases: Preliminary,DML Transaction,Acquisition,Application,Cleanup. The name itself is fast load.

How many phases are there in Multiload?

Teradata MultiLoad import has five phases: Phase 1 (Preliminary Phase): It performs basic setup activities. Phase 2 (DML Transaction Phase): It verifies the syntax of DML statements and brings them to the Teradata system. Phase 3 (Acquisition Phase): It brings the input data into work tables and locks it.

How do you run FastLoad?

fl, you can run the FastLoad script using the following command in UNIX and Windows. FastLoad < EmployeeLoad. fl; Once the above command is executed, the FastLoad script will run and produce the log.

How many phases are there in MultiLoad?

Does FastLoad allow duplicates?

FastLoad discards duplicate rows, because it doesn’t have/store any information about the input record sequence like MultiLoad’s Match Tag (ApplySeq + DMLSeq + ImportSeq + SMTSeq + SourceSeq), thus it simply doesn’t know, if a row was duplicate within the data or was sent twice because of a restarted FastLoad (in …

How do I load multiple files in FastLoad?

The only way to accomplish it is to have multiple scripts, where each script omits the END LOADING statement, except for the last script. TPT multiple reader and apply to the same writer.

How do I load multiple files in Fastload?

What is Tpump in Teradata?

TPump – Inserts, updates, deletes, or upserts rows in a Teradata table using the TPUMP command-line utility. It can do concurrent updates on the same table. It can handle multiple SQL statements in a single operation. You can provide user-defined SQL for complex operations.

What is UV table in Teradata?

The first (ET) error table is primarily for errors detected during the Acquisition phase. The second (UV) error table is for most errors detected during the Application phase. In general, this would include Uniqueness or other Constraint violations, or overflow on anything other than PI fields.