What is dovetailing in negotiation?

A term that refers to identifying differences in interests or priorities among the parties in a negotiation, and making strategic decisions based on these differences in order to create value. (

What is negotiation jujitsu?

Negotiation jujitsu means breaking the vicious cycle of escalation by refusing to react negatively during a negotiation. Resistance should be channeled into other activities such as “exploring interests, inventing options for mutual gain, and searching for independent standards.”

What is the Batna in negotiations?

A BATNA, or Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement, represents the best option to one party in a negotiation if the talks fail. A strong BATNA means that that party has a reasonably attractive alternative to negotiation; if they fail to reach agreement, they can implement the BATNA with minimal disruption.

What are dovetailing interests?

Dovetailing interests, as the name implies, are interests that fit together well.

Why is it called dovetail?

Dovetail joints are made up of two parts called pins and tails. When a master craftsman wants to marry two boards together, they cut a series of pins on one board and matching tails on the other. They are trapezoidal in shape, resembling the tail feathers of a dove (hence the name dovetail).

What are the 5 principles in negotiation?

Five principles of negotiation

  • Principle 1- Leave your competitive mindset at the door. Win-loss and competitive advantage is so 1970’s thinking, isn’t it?
  • Principle 2 – Value is the greatest currency.
  • Principle 3 – Deal with the tough stuff.
  • Principle 4 – Service precedes ego.
  • Principle 5 – Activity comes before clarity.

What are the 4 steps of getting to yes?

4 principles for “Getting to Yes”

  • separate the people from the problem;
  • focus on interests rather than positions;
  • generate a variety of options before settling on an agreement;
  • insist that the agreement be based on objective criteria.

What are the four principles of principled negotiation?

The book advocates four fundamental principles of negotiation: 1) separate the people from the problem; 2) focus on interests, not positions; 3) invent options for mutual gain; and 4) insist on objective criteria.

What is ZOPA and BATNA?

what is negotiation ZOPA BATNA. The terms are BATNA and ZOPA. BATNA stands for Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement. Your BATNA is what you’ll do if you don’t reach a deal. The ZOPA is the set of all deals that are at least as good for each party in a negotiation as their respective BATNAs.

What are BATNAs examples?

Example of BATNA If we assume that Tom can sell his car to someone else for $8,000, then $8,000 is Tom’s BATNA. In such a scenario, an agreement will not be made, as Tom is only willing to sell for a minimum of $8,000, while Colin is only willing to purchase at a maximum of $7,500.