What does Vago mean?

adjective. hazy [adjective] not clear or certain. shadowy [adjective] dark and indistinct. vague [adjective] not clear, distinct or definite.

What is imprecise word?

Definition of imprecise : not precise : inexact, vague an imprecise estimate.

Is Vago Scrabble word?

Unscrambler and Scrabble Word Finder Vago is not a valid Scrabble word.

What is Baga English?

noun. berry [noun] a kind of small (often juicy) fruit. currant [noun] any of several types of small berry. (Translation of baga from the PASSWORD Portuguese–English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd)

How do you use imprecise?

not precise.

  1. “Breach of the peace” is a notoriously imprecise notion.
  2. She was rather imprecise about the cost of the trip.
  3. The charges were vague and imprecise.
  4. Alcohol affects the brain, making speech slurred and imprecise.
  5. The figures are imprecise because they’re based on a prediction of next year’s sales.

How do you say imprecision?

  1. Phonetic spelling of imprecision. im-pre-ci-sion.
  2. Meanings for imprecision. the quality of lacking precision.
  3. Synonyms for imprecision. inexactness.
  4. Antonyms for imprecision. precision.
  5. Examples of in a sentence.
  6. Translations of imprecision.

Is Vo a Scrabble word?

VO is not a valid scrabble word.

Is Lago a word in Scrabble?

Lago is not a valid Scrabble word.

What does andas de Vaga meaning?

It means to be a bum, or bum around.

What’s Vagabundo mean?

British English: tramp /træmp/ NOUN. vagabond A tramp is a person with no home or job who travels around and gets money by doing occasional work or by begging.

What is imprecision in research?

Imprecision essentially means that the estimated effect of the treatment is very imprecise; the treatment may have a large or small benefit, for instance. This would be shown by wide confidence intervals in the results and is usually because studies have included too few events or outcomes.