What do you say when introducing a quote?

To quote a critic or researcher, you can use an introductory phrase naming the source, followed by a comma.

  1. According to Smith, “[W]riting is fun” (215).
  2. In Smith’s words, ” . . .
  3. In Smith’s view, ” . . .

How do you introduce part of a quote?

Write a sentence in which you make the point you want to support or illustrate with the quotation. End the sentence with a colon to introduce your sentence. According to can be followed by the name of a publication or a person. Put a comma after the name of the person or publication that introduces the quote.

How do you transition to a quote?

When you use quotes, you must first use a transitional phrase (such as “For example,…”, “In addition”, “Furthermore”, etc…). This is called the transition. Secondly, you must first provide the context of the quote (who is speaking and in what situation?). This is called the lead-in.

How do you introduce a quote in an academic essay?

Essay Tips: Introducing Quotations

  1. Short Quotations. The easiest way to quote a source is to work a short passage (sometimes just a single word) into your own sentence:
  2. Quoting After a Colon. If quoting a source after a full sentence, you will usually introduce it with a colon:
  3. Quoting After a Comma.
  4. Block Quotes.

What is an introductory phrase?

An introductory clause or phrase acts as a qualifying or clarifying statement about the main sentence. Think of it as an addition to the main thought of a sentence. The introductory language is usually a dependent statement (see section A above).

What are 5 examples of introductory?

On a paragraph level, these words and phrases are used to connect large ideas. However, on a sentence level, these words and phrases are also considered to be introductory. Examples: However, On the other hand, Furthermore, Therefore, Thereafter, Consequently, Next, Finally, In conclusion, For example, Ultimately, etc.

What are introductory elements examples?

These elements can include introductory interjections, prepositional phrases, absolute phrases, adverbs, and transitional expressions.

  • Introductory Interjections.
  • Introductory Adverb Prepositional Phrases.
  • Absolute Phrases.
  • Introductory Adverbs.
  • Introductory Transitional Expressions.