What are the properties of refractories?

The Physical and Chemical Properties of Refractory Metals

  • The Physical Properties of Refractory Metals.
  • The Chemical Properties of Refractory Metals.
  • A Very High Melting Point.
  • High Strength.
  • Outstanding Abrasion and Wear Resistance.
  • Excellent Corrosion Resistance.
  • Thermal Shock Resistance.
  • Heat and Electrical Conduction.

What are the properties of refractory ceramics?

Beyond temperature resistance, refractory ceramic materials have numerous other assets such as excellent resistance to oxidation and corrosion, high thermal conductivity and mechanical strength, low thermal expansion, and outstanding abrasion resistance.

What are basic refractories?

Basic refractories are used in areas where slags and atmosphere are basic. They are stable to alkaline materials but can react to acids. The main raw materials belong to the RO group, of which magnesia (MgO) is a common example. Other examples include dolomite and chrome-magnesia.

What is refractories and three characteristics?

Important properties of refractories which can be determined most readily are chemical composition, bulk density, apparent porosity, apparent specific gravity, and strength at ambient temperatures. These properties are frequently among those which are used as controls in the manufacturing and quality control process.

What are the various properties tested for a refractory material?

Refractory Testing हिंदी में पढ़ें

  • Creep Test:
  • Permanent Linear Change Test:
  • Pyrometric Cone EquivalentTest:
  • Refractories Under Load Test:
  • Abrasion Test:
  • Air Permeability Test:
  • Petrographic Analysis by Optical Microscopy:
  • Acid Resistance Test:

What are refractories how are they classified discuss their properties and uses?

Refractories are classified according to their physical form. These are the shaped and unshaped refractories. The shaped is commonly known as refractory bricks and the unshaped as monolithic refractories. Shaped refractories are those which have fixed shapes when delivered to the user.

What are the characteristics of a good refractory give any three applications of refractories?

A good refractory material should have the following properties:

  • It should be able to withstand high temperatures generated in the furnace.
  • It should be able to withstand sudden alternating heating and cooling, i.e., thermal shocks.
  • It should be able to withstand abrasion and rough usage.

How many types of refractories are there?

The typical refractory materials include fireclay refractories, high alumina refractories, silica brick, Magnesite refractories, Chromite refractories, Zirconia refractories, Insulating materials and Monolithic refractory.

What are the requirements of a good refractory?

A good refractory should have high RUL value. It is defined as the ratio of its pore volume to the bulk volume. Porosity is an important property of refractory bricks, because it affect many other characteristics like chemical stability, strength, abrasion- resistance and thermal conductivity.

What is refractories and its classification?

What is refractory material used for?

Clay bricks are aluminum silicate refractory materials composed of mullite, glass phase, and cristobalite with an AL203 content of 30% to 48%. Clay bricks are a widely used refractory material. They are often used in masonry blast furnaces, hot blast stoves, glass kilns, rotary kilns, etc.