What are the languages accepted by PDA?

The languages which can be accepted by PDA are called context-free languages (CFL), denoted by LCF. Diagrammatically, a PDA is a finite state automaton (see Fig. 5.1), with memories (push-down stacks).

Which of the following is accepted by an Npda and DPDA?

The language accepted by DPDA is called DCFL(Deterministic Context-free Language) which is a subset of NCFL(Non-deterministic Context-free Language) accepted by NPDA. The language accepted by NPDA is called NCFL(Non-deterministic Context-free Language).

Which of the following is accepted by an Npda and not DPDA?

Explanation: All regular languages can be accepted by a non deterministic finite automata and all context free languages can be accepted by a non deterministic push down automata.

Which of the following can be accepted by a DPDA?

7. Which of the following can be accepted by a DPDA? Explanation: Theorem: The language pal of palindromes over the alphabet {0,1} cannot be accepted by any finite automaton , and it is therefore not regular. Explanation:The possible change in the stack contents is a change in the number of A’s on the stack.

Which of the following language Cannot be accepted by and Deterministic Push down automata?

L = pnqnrn it is not accepted by deterministic pushdown automaton and hence it is not a DCFL.

Does PDA accept regular language?

Every regular language is accepted by some PDA (basically, just ignore the stack…) Idea: on input w, M nondeterministically picks a leftmost derivation of w from S. Stack holds intermediate strings in derivation (left end at top); letters in Σ on top of stack matched against input.

Which class of language is accepted by PDA Mcq?

Explanation: Push down automata is for Context free languages and they are termed as Type 2 languages according to Chomsky hierarchy.

Which of the given languages are accepted by non deterministic PDA but not by deterministic PDA?

L can be accepted by ϵ-Non-Deterministic finite automata. L can be accepted by Non-Deterministic Push down automata but not by Deterministic push down automata.

Which of the following can be accepted by DPDA palindrome string?

Discussion Forum

Que. Which of the following can be accepted by a DPDA?
b. The set of odd length palindrome over {a,b}
c. {xx^c| where c stands for the complement,{0,1}}
d. None of the mentioned
Answer:None of the mentioned

Which language is accepted by the pushdown automata Mcq?

regular languages
Thus, this pushdown automata can only accept languages which can also be accepted by finite state automata and a finite state automata accepts only regular languages. Thus, B is the correct choice.

Which of the following language Cannot be accepted by and deterministic pushdown automata?

What is DPDA in automata?

In automata theory, a deterministic pushdown automaton (DPDA or DPA) is a variation of the pushdown automaton. The class of deterministic pushdown automata accepts the deterministic context-free languages, a proper subset of context-free languages.