What are different types of client-server architecture?

There are four various types of client-server architecture.

  • 1 Tier Architecture.
  • 2 Tier Architecture.
  • 3 Tier Architecture.
  • N Tier Architecture.

What is the function of the client?

Client programs typically handle user interactions and often request data or initiate some data modification on behalf of a user. For example, a client can provide a form onto which a user (a person working at a data entry terminal, for example) can enter orders for a product.

What is client/server protocol?

A communications protocol that provides a structure for requests between client and server in a network. For example, the Web browser in the user’s computer (the client) employs the HTTP protocol to request information from a website on a server.

What are the two types of client-server?

Types of Client Server Architecture :

  • tier architecture.
  • tier architecture.
  • tier architecture.

What are the two main types of client-server model?

Difference Between Client and Server Thin Client: a thin-client server is a lightweight computer that relies heavily on the resources of the host computer — an application server performs the majority of any required data processing.

What is a client vs server?

Definitions. A server is a sample of software or hardware that serves a specific service to its clients. Web servers, domain name servers, and mail servers are some of the example servers using by all network users. A client is a user program that connects to a server to access a service.

What is difference client and server?

A server is a program, or machine, that waits for incoming requests. A client is a program, or machine, that sends requests to servers.

How a client-server works?

At-A-Glance: The Client Server Model Clients, taking the form of laptops, desktops, tablets, or smartphones, then request a file or application from the remote server. The server hears the request, verifies credentials, and if everything checks out, serves the client the requested file.

What is client system?

Client Systems means any communication line, modem connection or other facilities, software, hardware, Mobile Devices or equipment provided and used by You to transmit or receive any information.

What is difference between client and server?

The basic difference between the client and server is that client relies on the services of the server, whereas the server authorizes the client’s requests and facilitates them with the requested services. Servers can store and analyze the large data sets, whereas clients are not suited for such tasks.

How does a client-server work?

Clients, taking the form of laptops, desktops, tablets, or smartphones, then request a file or application from the remote server. The server hears the request, verifies credentials, and if everything checks out, serves the client the requested file. The communication between clients and servers is a two way street.