How many calories do you burn in 30 minutes of rollerblading?

Now for rollerblading: For a 125lb person, you’ll burn 210 calories rollerblading for 30 minutes. 185lb person will burn 311 calories.

Is rollerblading good for losing weight?

Calories Burned Rollerblading is one of the most efficient cardiovascular activities you can do in terms of burning the most calories per unit of time. A 155-lb. person will burn about 260 calories in 30 minutes of rollerblading. If you’re larger, you’ll burn more calories, and if you’re smaller, you’ll burn less.

How many calories do you burn rollerblading for 1 hour?

According to, a 160-lb. person burns 913 calories rollerblading at an average pace for one hour. In that same hour, someone who is 200 lbs. will burn 1,138 calories and a 240-lb. person will burn 1,363 calories.

How long should I rollerblade to lose weight?

Generally speaking, 30 minutes of rollerblading should burn about 400 calories. If you skate for at least 1 hour 3 times a week, that’s 2,400 calories a week! If you cut roughly 500-1,000 calories a day from your diet, you’ll lose about 1 lb (0.45 kg) a week.

Will rollerblading tone my stomach?

Sit ups, crunches in particular, and bicycle sit-ups especially, target your abdominal muscles more than through the stabilising role they play in inline skating, but the skating activity burns more fat which is the key to a six-pack. Rollerblading may help you get abs sooner if you have a layer of fat to burn away.

How many miles should I rollerblade?

Average Speeds. According to a study conducted by Rollerblade, people tend to inline skate at cruising speeds that vary from about 8 miles per hour to about 16 miles per hour. If you’re on the slow end of that spectrum, you should be able to skate 1 mile in about seven minutes and 30 seconds.

Does rollerblading burn belly fat?

Roller skating is an efficient way to burn calories to help you burn fat, but no activity, including roller skating, can specifically burn just belly fat. The fat you burn as a result of this activity will be total body fat.

Is rollerblading as good as running?

With the ability to coast with the wheels on Rollerblades, the aerobic benefits from Rollerblading isn’t quite as good as running. However, Rollerblading is still a better aerobic workout than cycling. Similar to burning calories, you can increase the aerobic benefits by skating uphill or at a faster pace.

What body parts does rollerblading work?

Much like ice skating, the primary muscles used to propel you forward are in your hips and legs. Rollerblading provides secondary benefits to stabilizer muscles in your abs and calves, but the main muscle groups targeted are your glutes, quads, hamstrings and other muscles in your thighs.