How does GNC CLA work?

When taken as directed, CLA supplements may also support improved lean muscle tone alongside a regular exercise regimen. CLA capsules may enhance diet and fat metabolism, fueling energy production without the need for stimulants. CLA is a natural fatty acid primarily found in dairy and meat food products*.

How does CLA supplement work?

Key takeaway: These studies conclude that CLA supplements boost the metabolism in modest amounts. By increasing fat metabolism, the body is able to increase the amount of calories that it is able to burn off each day and utilize its energy stores more efficiently.

How does CLA help with weight loss?

“CLA is known to accumulate in tissues of animals and humans where it is readily metabolized.” CLA may trigger fat cell death, shrink fat cells, or it may speed up metabolism to promote weight loss, he explains.

How long does it take CLA to work?

The effects are most pronounced during the first six months, after which fat loss plateaus for up to two years. According to this paper, CLA can cause an average fat loss of 0.2 pounds (01. kg) per week for about six months.

Is CLA a good fat burner?

CLA Is Not Very Effective for Weight Loss Many high-quality studies have analyzed the effects of CLA on fat loss in animals and humans. However, its fat-burning potential is much stronger in animals than it is in humans.

How long does it take to see weight loss with CLA?

The first six months one takes CLA, there is noticeable weight loss. After the six-month mark, weight loss is unremarkable for up to two years. The average amount of weight loss taking CLA is 0.2 pounds weekly.

How much weight can you lose with CLA?

Dosage and Safety Most studies on CLA have used doses of 3.2–6.4 grams per day. One review concluded that a minimum of 3 grams daily is necessary for weight loss ( 40 ). Doses of up to 6 grams per day are considered safe, with no reports of serious adverse side effects in people ( 41 , 42 ).