Does NaBH4 have hydrogen bonding?

Sodium borohydride is an inorganic sodium salt and a metal tetrahydridoborate….3.1Computed Properties.

Property Name Property Value Reference
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 1 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18)

What type of reaction is NaBH4?

Sodium borohydride (NaBH4) is a reagent that transforms aldehydes and ketones to the corresponding alcohol, primary or secondary, respectively.

Which bonds does NaBH4 reduce?

NaBH4 is less reactive than LiAlH4 but is otherwise similar. It is only powerful enough to reduce aldehydes, ketones and acid chlorides to alcohols: esters, amides, acids and nitriles are largely untouched. It can also behave as a nucleophile toward halides and epoxides.

Does NaBH4 reduce conjugated double bonds?

Originally Answered: Why does NaBH4 reduce its double bond? No, alone cannot reduce a double bond.

Is NaBH4 polar?

Organic Chemistry bond: The most common hydride reducing agents are the lithium aluminum hydride (LiALH4) also abbreviated as LAH and sodium borohydride (NaBH4): The principle behind the hydride reducing agents is the presence of a polar covalent bond between a metal and hydrogen.

What happens when you add NaBH4?

NaBH4 is a source of hydride (H-) and the reaction begins with the addition of hydride to the carbonyl to the aldehyde (Step 1, arrows A and B). Upon addition of acid, the oxygen is protonated (Step 2, arrows C and D) to give the neutral primary alcohol.

How does sodium borohydride reduce?

SODIUM BOROHYDRIDE Reduces aldehydes and ketones to corresponding alcohols. Sodium borohydride is not reactive to esters, epoxides, lactones, carboxylic acids, nitro compounds and nitriles, but reduces acyl chlorides.

What does NaBH4 do to an alkene?

NaBH4 in MeOH Use of unmodified sodium borohydride would result in a 1,4 conjugate addition reaction, saturating the alkene, with a subsequent reduction of the ketone to an alcohol.

Does NaBH4 reduce alkyne?

Abstract. Alkenes and alkynes are rapidly reduced to the corresponding alkanes using sodium borohydride and acetic acid in the presence of a small amount of palladium catalyst.