How do you use the remote claw in Batman Arkham origins?

The remote claw can also be used to attack enemies. Players need only launch the claw into one enemy and then spear another to knock them together for damage. Enemies can also be linked to nearby objects as well.

How do you do a takedown in Batman Arkham origins?

It can be executed by pressing the counter button (right mouse on PC, Y on XBox, triangle on PlayStation) while holding the crouch button (Ctrl on PC, RT on XBox, R2 on PlayStation).

How do you do special takedowns in Arkham Knight?

If there are no enemies with weapons nearby, Disarm and Destroy will become a Special Combo Takedown. Using the Quickfire Remote Electrical Charge on a stun baton enemy will overload it and cause them to drop it. You cannot be hit during an Aerial Attack if it is performed on a shield enemy.

How does Batman do Silent Takedown?

Just walk up to them from behind or from corner cover and *silently* take them down. Learn to ignore certain prompts; just because a move is available doesn’t make it desirable.

How do you beat Slade in Batman Arkham origins?

Any time you attempt to hit him you’re thrown into a cutscene where you need to counter between one and three times. After a while, Bats will land a blow and you’ll be put back in control. Just keep pounding attack and countering once you’re prompted and you’ll end Deathstroke before too long.

How do you blade a Dodge takedown?

The Blade Dodge Takedown can be difficult to master. Most players probably just tap the Counter button, which makes it even harder to pull off consistently, while the key to doing it is to hold the button and release it after each of the enemy’s swipes.

How do you do a multi takedown in Batman?

The attack allows Batman (and certain other characters, see below) to take down up to 6 enemies in rapid succession. It’s activated by pressing Square/X/PC when near a group of enemies, and can also be activated by performing a knockout smash during any takedown.

How do you dodge Deathstroke?

The tactic can be very effective against his otherwise tight defense. When Deathstroke fires the Remote Grapple, wait until the Counter prompt appears and tap it quickly to send a barrel flying back at him. Then rush toward him using Evade and wait for another chance to Counter.