How do you take care of arum lilies UK?

Water sparingly at the beginning and then more regularly once flowers have appeared, until the end of the blooming season. Arum grows very well adjoining a body of water, which indicates how much it needs water. Like all bulbs that bloom in summer, water in case of prolonged dry spells or heat waves.

Can you touch arum lily?

Human poisoning Arum lily contains a mineral called calcium oxalate. All parts of the plant, especially the flower, are poisonous and can cause: eczema and dermatitis. irritation, burning and swelling of the mouth and throat.

Are arum lilies Hardy UK?

The pure white lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica or Arum Lily) is a hardy version and can be left in the garden all year round provided you protect the crown over winter.

How do you overwinter arum lilies?


  1. Replant into containers and keep them above 10°C (50°F). They need a few months of dormancy, so let the leaves die down and keep them out of bright light, with little or no water.
  2. Cut off the fading leaves and remove the soil from around the bulb-like rhizomes, then dry them off.

What do you do with lilies in the winter?

Overwintering. Ideally keep containers in a cool but frost-free, airy place with strong light, such as a well-ventilated cold greenhouse or frame. In southern England many lilies will be fully hardy and can be left outside in larger container year round.

Should you deadhead arum lilies?

Unlike many other flowers, calla lily deadheading won’t cause the plant to create more blossoms. Each calla is designed to create a certain number of flowers, sometimes one or two and other times as many as six. Once those blooms have died off, the plant will only show foliage until the following spring.

How do I get my arum lily to flower?

Place it in a cool (not cold) dark place for two months. After this, bring it back out into the light and resume watering it. The foliage will regrow and you calla lily plant will start to bloom shortly thereafter.

Why is a lily the flower of death?

But lilies can also represent grief and mourning; they’re one of the most popular flowers at funerals in the United States, and are often sent as sympathy flowers. According to some interpretations, lilies symbolize death because they represent the moment when the soul departs the body.

What do you do with lilies in the winter UK?

Can you divide arum lilies?

Calla lily division is only necessary when the clumps start to decline, but if you want more rhizomes to fill in the garden, it’s safe to divide them every three to five years. If you divide them too often, however, they will never quite reach their full potential.

How do you prepare lilies for winter?

Cut down the dead stalks in the late fall or early spring. Before winter, add 4 to 6 inches of mulch, simply to delay the ground freeze and allow the roots to keep growing. Leave the mulch until spring once the last hard frost has passed.