How do you get max sneak in Oblivion?

  1. It is imperative to raise the Illusion skill to max and fully benefit from sneaking.
  2. Casting a spell while nearby another person increases the chances of being noticed.
  3. Casting a light spell such as Starlight also increases the chances of being noticed.

Where can I buy sneak training in Oblivion?

Training is a vital part of building your character in Oblivion….Sneak.

Level Trainer Location
Journeyman Mirabelle Monet The Fo’c’s’le at the Anvil docks.
Journeyman Othrelos In his house in the northeast corner of the Elven Garden District.
Master Trainer Quest.

How do you increase sneak damage in Oblivion?

The sneak attack damage multiplier is based on the weapon that you have equipped at the time damage is done. Therefore, you can get the maximum 6x sneak attack bonus when firing an arrow at a target if you switch to a melee weapon (or become unarmed) before the arrow strikes.

How do you raise your sneak level?

The fastest way to max level Sneak and Speech

  1. Sneak experience is awarded for being undetected in sneak mode, and for landing sneak attacks.
  2. The fastest way to level, then, is to fully land a sneak power attack combo on a durable NPC like Shadowmere.

Who can teach me to sneak?


  • Khayla (Adept): Khajiit Caravans.
  • Garvey (Expert): Markarth.
  • Delvin Mallory (Master): Thieves Guild, Riften.

Who teaches sneak?


Level Trainer Location
Adept Khayla Khajiit Caravans
Expert Garvey Markarth
Master Delvin Mallory The Ragged Flagon in Riften

Who teaches sneak in Oblivion?

Marana Rian
Sneak Training is a quest in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Marana Rian is the master level Sneak trainer. She has a house in the Temple District and sometimes eats at the The All-Saints Inn in the same area.

Where can I train sneak?

Sneak Trainers

Name Mastery Location
Khayla Common Part of the Khajiit Caravans
Garvey Expert Markarth
Delven Mallory Master Thieves’ Guild in Riften (The Ragged Flagon)