How do you care for a ficus retusa bonsai?

Ficus retusa loves it when air moisture is high.

  1. You can mist the leaves several times a week with soft water, especially in winter.
  2. You can rest the pot of your Ficus retusa on a tray of clay pebbles full of water, without having the pot touch the water itself.

How big does a ficus retusa get?

Ficus retusa is a rapidly growing, rounded, broad-headed, evergreen shrub or tree that can reach 10 metres (33 ft) in height with an equal spread. The smooth, light grey trunk is quite striking, can grow to around 1 metre (3.3 ft) in diameter, and it firmly supports the massively spreading canopy.

How much sun does a ficus retusa need?

Four to six hours
Four to six hours of sunlight per day should suffice. If you can provide more, so much the better. The watering of your bonsai must never be neglected. Apply water before the soil appears dry — never allow the soil to become completely dry.

What is the difference between ficus retusa and Ficus Microcarpa?

Ficus retusa is a completely different Ficus species. This is a graft of two different varieties of F. microcarpa, one with enlarged roots and another with small leaves, in this case named Ficus ginseng by the hopeful owner. However Ficus ginseng does not exist as a wild species of Ficus.

Is ficus bonsai good for home?

While bonsai plants are beautiful to look at, they are not particularly auspicious to keep at home. Vastu experts say that it is best to avoid placing this plant anywhere at home. It symbolises slow or stunted growth and might interfere with the lifecycle of the inhabitants.

How do you care for a ficus microcarpa bonsai?

Ficus microcarpa care Temperatures hovering around 60 to 70 or 75°F (15 to 25°C) are perfect if kept all year round. A lot of light will help, but not direct sunlight during the hottest hours. Indirect light is best. Ficus microcarpa doesn’t like being moved around, so once in a good spot, leave it there.

How do you prune a ficus microcarpa bonsai?

Ficus is a very fast grower. Prune back to 2-4 leaves after 6-10 leaves have grown. Ideally, do the heavy pruning in the spring but it can be done year round. Keep the new growth trimmed back during the growing season.

Is ficus bonsai lucky?

The term Bonsai in Japanese literally means ‘planted in a container’, and the plant is believed to bring good luck and harmony. They say that if you receive bonsai trees as gifts rather than buying it yourself, fortune would doubly smile at you. That also makes these miniature plans a perfect gifting item.

Is ficus bonsai lucky plant?

Ginseng ficus plants are easy to care for and great for not-so-green thumbs. They’re considered good luck in feng shui and are one of the plants proven by NASA to purify air.