How do you calculate area of a circle?

The area of a circle is pi times the radius squared (A = π r²).

What is the area of a diameter?

Answers. 1. The formula for the area A as a function of the diameter d of a circle is given by A = π (d/2)^2.

What is semicircle area?

The area of a semicircle is half of the area of the circle. As the area of a circle is πr2. So, the area of a semicircle is 1/2(πr2 ), where r is the radius. The value of π is 3.14 or 22/7. Area of Semicircle = 1/2 (π r2)

What’s area of a square?

In other words, the area of a square is the product of the length of each side with itself. That is, Area A = s x s where s is the length of each side of the square. For example, the area of a square of each side of length 8 feet is 8 times 8 or 64 square feet.

What is diameter of a circle?

2 x radiusCircle / Diameter

What are all the formulas for a circle?

We use the circle formula to calculate the area, diameter, and circumference of a circle. The length between any point on the circle and its center is known as its radius….Formulas Related to Circles.

Diameter of a Circle D = 2 × r
Circumference of a Circle C = 2 × π × r
Area of a Circle A = π × r2

What is the area of a 5 ft circle?

The area of a circle is equal to Pi π times the radius r squared. Substitute in the value of the radius r=5 into the formula for the area of a circle. Pi π is approximately equal to 3.14 . Raise 5 to the power of 2 .

What is sector area?

Area of a circle is given as π times the square of its radius length. So if a sector of any circle of radius r measures θ, area of the sector can be given by: Area of sector = θ 360 × π r 2.

What is the area of quadrant?

that is, pi (π) multiplied by the radius squared (r2). Now, to calculate the area of a quadrant, divide the area of a circle by 4 (as four quadrants make a circle). We get, Area of a quadrant, A= (πr2)/4 Square units.

What is the area of a 4cm square?

Area of a Square Consider a square that has a side-length of 4 cm. Using the method of counting squares, we find that the area of the square is 16 cm2.