How do I return an array in vb6?

To return an array from a Function procedure, specify the array data type and the number of dimensions as the return type of the Function Statement. Within the function, declare a local array variable with same data type and number of dimensions.

Can a function return an array VB?

In addition to returning custom data types, VB 2008 functions can also return arrays. This is an interesting possibility that allows you to write functions that return not only multiple values, but also an unknown number of values.

How do I return an array from a function in VBA?

A function in a normal module (but not a Class module) can return an array by putting () after the data type. Note that what is returned is actually a copy of the array inside the function, not a reference. So if the function returns the contents of a Static array its data can’t be changed by the calling procedure.

What is dynamic array in Visual Basic?

Dynamic arrays differ from fixed arrays because a subscript range for the array elements is not specified when the array is dimensioned. Instead, the subscript range is set using the ReDim statement. With dynamic arrays, the number of array elements can be set based on other conditions in your procedure.

What is control array in Visual Basic?

In Visual Basic, a control array is a group of related controls in a Visual Basic form that share the same event handlers. Control arrays are always single-dimensional arrays, and controls can be added or deleted from control arrays at runtime.

How do you declare an array?

The usual way of declaring an array is to simply line up the type name, followed by a variable name, followed by a size in brackets, as in this line of code: int Numbers[10]; This code declares an array of 10 integers. The first element gets index 0, and the final element gets index 9.

How do you declare and use an array?

We declare an array in Java as we do other variables, by providing a type and name: int[] myArray; To initialize or instantiate an array as we declare it, meaning we assign values as when we create the array, we can use the following shorthand syntax: int[] myArray = {13, 14, 15};

What is dynamic array in vb6?

called a dynamic array, lets you change its size while the program is running. This can be very useful when you don’t know ahead of time how much data the. array will store. To create a dynamic array, use the Dim statement; however, be sure that the parentheses are left empty.

What is difference between static and dynamic array in VB?

The key difference between static and dynamic arrays is that you can’t change the size of a static array. VB.NET supports both syntax forms, but in all cases it creates dynamic arrays.