How do I find my army UIC code?

Use the Lookup Unit Identification Code Tool

  1. From the the MEDCHART section of the MEDCHART Home page, click the Lookup UIC link.
  2. In the UIC Lookup Utility section, enter a six-character UIC in the box provided, and then click the Search button.
  3. To the right of the Search button, review the UIC Utility information.

What is a unit reporting code?

(4) Reporting Unit Code (RUC). A RUC is a 5-position, alpha-numeric identifier created by HQMC (M&RA) to identify a unit, activity, or sub- reporting unit for manpower reporting in Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS).

Is DoDAAC the same as UIC?

A DoDAAC facilitates business processes across all functional domains and is uniquely associated to the expenditure, distribution, and accounting of resources (i.e., property, goods, services, and funds); whereas, a UIC primarily serves as an identity code, specifically for use in manpower and personnel systems of the …

What does UIC mean in the Army?

Unit Identification Code
The Unit Identification Code (UIC) is a six character alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies each United States Department of Defense entity. The UIC is often used on various paperwork to assign a soldier to a specific company in which they fall under.

What is a victor unit?

Making an MSSG a “victor” unit means that HQMC will assign personnel to the MSSGs as they do with the Division using the PREPAS system. Under this system, the units preparing to deploy with the MEUs are required to be staffed at 100% of personnel requirements at 180 days before deployment.

How many army infantry are there?

The current infantry brigade combat team consists of approximately 4,413 soldiers assigned to seven subordinate battalions.

What is a RIC code in the Army?

The RIC is a 3-character, alpha-numeric code that uniquely identifies a unit, activity, or organization that requires system ability to route transactions or receive transactions routed to it (e.g., source of supply) within logistics and financial business systems that use legacy 80 record position format transactions.