Do muskies bite in cold weather?
Do muskies bite in cold weather?
As January nears, water temps can dip into the upper 30’s and low 40’s on most southern muskie reservoirs and rivers. Muskies don’t stop feeding, and the angler who prepares for cold water fishing can enjoy some hot action, and some of the heaviest fish of the year. It’s all a mind game really.
What water temp is best for musky fishing?
between 63 and 67 degrees
Biologists classify muskies as “cool-water” fish. They are most comfortable at water temperatures between 63 and 67 degrees. In that temperature range, and in even colder water, there’s enough oxygen in the water that a muskie can exert itself without lasting effects.
Where do muskies go in the winter?
In early winter, focus on the headwater areas around Johnson’s Creek to locate shad and active muskies. As winter sets in and water temperatures dip into the low to mid-40s, shad suspend deep throughout the main-lake basin.
Where are muskies after ice out?
Right after ice off the water temperatures start to rise. Baitfish and muskies alike start to move up in the water column from the deepest holes in the lake. This allows you a shot at catching some of the season’s heaviest muskies.
Do muskies bite in the afternoon?
Muskies can see really well in reduced light conditions associated with early morning and late afternoon. These are often the best time to fish for them but they can be caught during the middle of the day too.
What kind of water do muskies like?
Water Temperatures 50-60 Degrees (Rising) Musky spawn between 50 and 60-degree water temperatures. They spawn in or near large, shallow, south facing bays. If you have a creek or river flowing into the system they will spawn there as well.
How do you catch musky in November?
As soon as the fish move deeper, spinners of any kind seem to lose their appeal. Erratic lures with hang-time really shine as the water cools down. Jerkbaits have a legendary reputation as fall muskie producers, and the sinking- or suspending-style glider bait is especially attractive as the water gets colder.