What is the best treatment for red thread lawn disease?

The only fungicide available to home gardeners for control of red thread is trifloxystrobin (Provanto Lawn Disease Control). The fungicide can be used all year round except during drought conditions or when the lawn is frozen.

What is the blue stuff on my grass?

Grass that exhibits blue fungal growth may have contracted a disease called slime mold. This disease infects cool- and warm-season grass types, according to the Alabama Cooperative Extension website. It is important for gardeners to notice the signs of slime mold and provide treatment.

What does turf disease look like?

Red or bleached-looking patches appear as grass blades wither from the tips. Reddish-pink threads bind blades together; red spores show up on shoes, mowers and tools. Fine fescue and perennial ryegrass are primary hosts for red thread lawn disease. It often affects bluegrasses and bentgrass as well.

What causes red thread disease?

Red thread is a foliar disease of lawns, parks, institutional grounds, low maintenance athletic fields, and golf course roughs. This disease is caused by the fungus Laetisaria fuciformis, and during rainy periods in late spring and early summer, it is one of the most common lawn diseases in Pennsylvania.

How do I permanently get rid of red thread?

If red thread disease continues to be a problem in your lawn, treat it with a fungicide like Scotts® DiseaseEX™ Lawn Fungicide, following all label directions. A broad-spectrum fungicide, this product kills the active fungus while helping prevent the spread of, and reinfection from, the disease for up to 4 weeks.

Does grass recover from red thread?

Red Thread is a fungal organism that causes patches of turf to turn brown and produce strands of red threadlike material. Red Thread can be unsightly. In most cases, the grass will recover just fine when the temperature cools in the Fall.

What is a natural remedy for lawn fungus?

Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with a gallon of water. Spray affected areas every three days until the mold or fungus is gone. These last two options work to both smother some plant pests and keep fungus in check. Horticultural oil is safe for use on lawns, turf and plants.

What are the symptoms and signs of turf pathology?

Symptoms. Small, irregular spots may enlarge and appear dark and water-soaked in early stages. White, cottony mycelia may be evident. Turfgrass in affected spots dies rapidly, collapses, and appears oily and matted.

Will red thread go away on its own?

Red thread will often go away on its own if the conditions dry out and it stays warm. However, this can take a while and if you do not keep a close on eye on your lawn, other diseases can infect your grass.

When is the best time to treat red thread?

Best Practices Since it’s not possible to remove the pathogen nor control the weather, the most effective way to get rid of Red Thread is to address the susceptible host plant. Fertilizing lawns in late spring and early summer will help to provide nitrogen.