A dissertation (thesis) is a work of original scientific research aimed at solving one or several problems, united by a common goal. It is written by an applicant to a degree, and thus dissertations are subdivided by degrees; the two most common ones are a master’s thesis and a doctoral thesis. Both are covered by professional dissertation writing .

Types of thesis

The dissertation is written by the applicant independently on the materials accumulated during the training and during practice, and its implementation is monitored by the supervisor. The content of the thesis can be of three types: theoretical study; solution of applied problems; development of innovative methods and approaches to solving academic problems. A master’s thesis essentially differs from a bachelor’s final student paper in that it has a deep, comprehensive theoretical study of the problem being solved. A doctoral thesis, on the other hand, is aimed specifically to report some innovative research.

Requirements for a thesis

The dissertation of a master’s degree must meet the requirements of originality and scientific novelty, unity of purpose and content, and have practical or academic significance. The proposed concept of solving the identified problem should be reasoned with relevant data and documented facts. The style of presentation is recommended in accordance with the standards of the scientific language and the specifics of the research direction.

The composition of the thesis is practically no different from student graduation projects. Its structure must contain such elements and sections:

  • Title page: it is designed according to the standards (APA, MLA, etc) and contains data on the type and topic of work, author, scientific leader, year of writing
  • Contents, including all subsections.
  • List of abbreviations used: if there are abbreviations and conventions in the text, in this part they should be deciphered.
  • Introduction: formulation of goals and objectives, the relevance and novelty of the study. Enumeration of methods and materials used in the work.
  • The main part: the analysis of literature on the topic of the thesis, the presentation of its own results, their interpretation.
  • Conclusion: summarizing the entire study, formulating conclusions to confirm the theses.
  • References: a list of used sources.
  • Appendices: tables and figures that take up more than half a sheet.
  • Abstract: the summary of the material given in the thesis. It has its own design features, according to the requirements of the standards (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc).

How to write a thesis

No matter how great the work ahead, a clear organization of the process will assist with writing. Writing a dissertation can be subdivided into stages; here is a short list.

  • Acquiring a topic;
  • Drawing up a plan;
  • Studying the topic;
  • Defining methods;
  • Research;
  • Summarizing.

If you are a freelance writer, the topic is provided by your client, so there is no need to focus on this part. When you draw up a plan, the list, the sequence of work, the time frame of each stage should all be approved by the client’s supervisor, so regular contact with the client is essential.

A comprehensive study of the topic is essential as well. It amounts to acquaintance with relevant literature sources, facts relating to research questions, analysis of the information received. Choosing the most appropriate and effective ways to achieve the goal amounts to defining methods.