Why was the Alamillo Bridge built?

The bridge was constructed as part of infrastructure improvements for Expo 92, which was held on large banana farms on the island.

Who constructed Alamillo Bridge?

architect Santiago Calatrava
Alamillo bridge was designed and built between 1989 and 1992 during the Expo’92 in Seville by architect Santiago Calatrava. The project was presented as an “incomplete project” of the Expo’92, which should be even more spectacular.

How many bridges are in Seville?

Seville would not be anything without its river Guadalquivir because much of its history and its wealth is due to it. And, of course, this river surpassed by nine bridges and a footbridge which are all from very recent times, despite the long history of the city and its river.

What is the name of a famous bridge that crosses the Guadalquivir River?

The Roman bridge of Córdoba is a bridge in the Historic centre of Córdoba, Andalusia, southern Spain, originally built in the early 1st century BC across the Guadalquivir river, though it has been reconstructed at various times since.

What type of bridge is the Alamillo Bridge?

Cable-stayed bridge
Cantilever spar cable-stayed bridge
Alamillo Bridge/Bridge type

How wide is the Alamillo Bridge?

It is a continuous structure with a vaulted underside and overlapping levels: an upper level, about 22-meter (72 feet) wide, for vehicular traffic, and two lower levels for pedestrians and bicycles, 4.4-meter (14.4 feet) wide.

How long is the Alamillo Bridge?

820′Alamillo Bridge / Total length
The Alamillo bridge, 250-meter (820 feet) long with a maximum span of 200 meters (656 feet), is characterized toward La Cartuja island by a pylon, 142-meter (466 feet) high and inclined 58 degrees on the horizontal. The pylon supports the bridgeway with thirteen pairs of cables.

Where is Alamillo bridge?

SevilleAlamillo Bridge / Location

What type of bridge is the Alamillo bridge?

Where is Alamillo Bridge?

What does Alamillo mean?

Spanish: topographic name from alamillo, a diminutive of álamo ‘poplar’, or habitational name from any of the many places named with this word, in particular one in Ciudad Real.