Why does my iTunes music have a cloud next to it?

Question: Q: What does the cloud symbol in itunes mean If the icon appears on a song, it means that the song is not downloaded. If the icon appears in the top right, it means that iTunes is currently syncing with your iCloud Music Library, or has failed to sync.

What does the cloud and an arrow on iTunes mean?

It’s an indication that the content or app you’re looking at is not stored locally, but can be downloaded from the cloud. Tap it to download it.

How can I move my iTunes library to a new computer?

You can consolidate all the files in your library in the iTunes folder to make it easier to move your library to a new computer.

  1. In the iTunes app on your PC, choose File > Library > Organise Library.
  2. Select “Consolidate files.” Files remain in their original locations, and copies are placed in the iTunes folder.

What does the cloud symbol mean next to a file?

A blue cloud icon next to your OneDrive files or folders indicates that the file is only available online. Online-only files don’t take up space on your computer. You can’t open online-only files when your device isn’t connected to the Internet.

What does the dotted cloud symbol mean in iTunes?

waiting to be uploaded
A dotted-line cloud The song is either waiting to be uploaded, can’t be matched, no longer available in the Apple Music catalog, or hasn’t been released yet.

How do I get rid of the dotted cloud in iTunes?

All replies. If you see a dotted-line cloud next to a song, then it might mean one of the following: Waiting: The song is in the process of being matched and hasn’t been uploaded. Choose File > Library > Update Cloud Music Library to resolve this.

How do I sync my iPhone to a new computer without losing everything 2020?

Click your iPhone in the “Devices” section in the iTunes window and click the “Summary” tab. Select the “Manually manage music and videos” check box and click “OK” to sync content manually. Click “Apply.”

How do I get rid of the cloud icon on my Desktop?

Select Desktop & Documents Folders (uncheck it). Click Done.

How do I get rid of the GREY dotted circle in iTunes?

The dotted circles are in the left-most column. I’ll list some things to rule out: Not using iTunes Match….This was rather involved:

  1. Connect phone to iTunes.
  2. Select Music under Settings.
  3. Turn off Sync Music.
  4. Click Sync.
  5. Observe that there was still a lot of space being used by (now unsynced) music.