Who can access Defence Gateway?

Army, Navy and RAF account holders have the ability to add up to 3 guests to their account….Access to the Defence Gateway is restricted to the following personnel:

  • Serving.
  • Civil Servants.
  • Veterans.
  • DII/MoDNet Account holders.
  • Contractors.

Can you access JPA through Defence Gateway?

If you already hold a Defence Gateway account, you can log in using your JPA service number and password created for the account. If you do not hold a Defence Gateway Account, you will need to create an account using your JPA Service number.

What is a gateway Defence?

Overview. Operation GATEWAY is the Australian Defence Force’s (ADF) enduring contribution to the preservation of regional security and stability in South East Asia. The ADF provides maritime surveillance patrols in the North Indian Ocean and South China Sea as part of this commitment.

Can veterans access Defence Gateway?

Veteran accounts do not have access to the DLE application. If you have rejoined the Reserves/FTRS you will need to wait for your service number to appear back on the JPA import before you will automatically have access. (Registration feed is uploaded once a month).

Is there a Defence gateway app?

To download the app, just login to Defence Gateway and go to the app store. The new videos for both service personnel and their families can be viewed here, meanwhile.

What does Cssra stand for?

7 BACKGROUND Countries to which Special Security Regulations Apply (CSSRA) are those whose native intelligence services pose a threat to British interests assessed to be SEVERE – An attack (activity) is highly likely, or they play host (often unknowingly) to third party Foreign Intelligence Services.

What is NPD on my payslip?

Net Public Debt means that you have (apparently) been overpaid or undercharged something previously. Your payslip will also have arrears of one thing or another which will equal the NPD offset. You say that you are owed backpay so it may be that the attempts to get you what you are owed have ballsed up something else.

What is Operation Aslan?

Overview. Operation ASLAN is the name of Australian Defence Force (ADF) contribution of personnel to the United Nations’ Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

How do I access DLE?

The DLE is an application on the Defence Gateway. Therefore, all access to the DLE is through the Defence Gateway Single Sign On and password resets are done using their automated system. If the automatic system does not work, you should contact Defence Gateway using their help system.

How do I access Scio?

Primary tabs. Enter your email address or username. Enter the password that accompanies your email address.

What does foe stand for Military?

FOE. Field/Follow-On Operational Evaluation. FOE.