Which stars become supergiants?

O type main-sequence stars and the most massive of the B type blue-white stars become supergiants. Due to their extreme masses, they have short lifespans, between 30 million years and a few hundred thousand years.

How are red giants and supergiants formed?

Red supergiants are similar to red giants. They form when a star runs out of hydrogen fuel in their core, begins collapsing, and then outer shells of hydrogen around the core get hot enough to begin fusion.

Which star is a red supergiant?

The star Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion is a red supergiant. Red supergiants evolve from large main sequence stars. These are stars which contain more than 8 times the mass of our Sun.

How are red giant stars formed?

A red giant forms after a star has run out of hydrogen fuel for nuclear fusion, and has begun the process of dying. A star maintains its stability through a fine balance between its own gravity, which holds it together, and the outwards pressure from ongoing thermonuclear fusion processes taking place at its core.

What is an example of a red supergiant?

Red Supergiants The much brighter, but still reddened star is called a red supergiant. Betelgeuse, at the shoulder of Orion, is the best-known example.

How are blue supergiants formed?

The blue compact supergiant was formed by the merger of two stars. Blue supergiants are hot, luminous stars. Red supergiants are the largest stars and can be between 200 and 800 times the radius of the sun, while blue supergiants are much smaller, usually less than 25 times the sun’s radius.

What does a red giant turn into?

white dwarf
When the ascent of the red-giant branch ends they puff off their outer layers much like a post-asymptotic-giant-branch star and then become a white dwarf.

Why do main sequence stars become giants or supergiants?

The fusion of hydrogen to form helium changes the interior composition of a star, which in turn results in changes in its temperature, luminosity, and radius. Eventually, as stars age, they evolve away from the main sequence to become red giants or supergiants.

What elements are formed in a red supergiant?

The star then becomes a red supergiant, similar to a red giant, only larger. Unlike red giants, these red supergiants have enough mass to create greater gravitational pressure, and therefore higher core temperatures. They fuse helium into carbon, carbon and helium into oxygen, and two carbon atoms into magnesium.

What elements form red giant stars?

Which star is a red supergiant quizlet?

Which star is a red supergiant? The red supergiant would be Antares because it is an M1 spectral type (OBAFGKM goes from blue to red and M is red).

How many supergiant stars are there?

The number of stars in our Milky Way Galaxy is about 100 billion or more and less than one percent of them are supergiants (mass 8 to 120 solar mass), their number in our galaxy is of the order of one billion.