Which is the largest tribe in Nakuru?

THE PEOPLE It is a cosmopolitan county, with its population originating from all the major tribes of Kenya. The Kikuyu and the Kalenjin are the dominant communities in Nakuru, making about 70% of the county’s population.

What is the population of Nakuru?

As of 2019, Nakuru had an urban and rural population of 570,674 inhabitants, making it the largest urban center in the Rift Valley, with Eldoret in Uasin Gishu County following closely behind. It lies about 1,850 m above sea level.

What is Nakuru County known for?

The county is famous for Flamingoes at Lake Nakuru a pupular tourist attraction. However, it also host a large number of animal and bird species. Opportunities exist in further development of Hotels, Resorts and Lodges to take advantage of the many tourists who visit the county.

What is the Subcounty of Nakuru?

Nakuru Sub-counties. Nakuru County has 11 Sub-counties. The 11 are Kuresoi South, Kuresoi North, Molo, Njoro, Rongai, Subukia, Bahati, Nakuru Town West, Nakuru Town East, Gilgil and Naivasha.

Is Nakuru Kenya safe?

Lake Nakuru is a very safe park to visit, in our opinion. There are virtually no crime issues in the Kenyan parks. As is the case throughout the world, the crime that does occur mostly happens in cities.

Where should I live in Nakuru?

There are various estates in Nakuru where a large number of Kenyans prefer to reside which include; Section 58, Kiti, Langalanga, Pangani, Shabab, Bangladesh, Milimani, Lanet, Freehold, Free Area, Ngata, Bahati, London, Afraha and many others.

Which is the largest sub county in Nakuru?

This is a list of all sub-counties in Nakuru County. Nakuru is one of the 47 counties in Kenya which is located in the former Rift Valley Province and covers an area of 7,509.5 km²….Sub County​​

Sub County​​
1 Nakuru Town East
2 Nakuru Town West
3 Njoro
4 Molo

How many divisions are in Nakuru?

Administratively, Nakuru County is subdivided into eleven sub-counties and fifty 55 wards.

Is Nakuru a good place to live?

Nakuru is a good place to live. There are no snarling traffic jams or the noise you’d find in Nairobi. But perhaps the most attractive thing is the wildlife. From black rhinos to the famed flamingoes, zebras, impalas, buffalos, and more, there is enough to feast your eyes upon.

Which is the best place to live in Nakuru?

How many estates are there in Nairobi?

112 residential estates
Well, Nairobi County has 112 residential estates sorted alphabetically below.

How many towns are in Nakuru County?

Nakuru County is a county in Kenya. It is County number 32 out of the 47 Kenyan Counties….

Nakuru County
Capital and largest town Nakuru
Other towns Naivasha
• Governor Lee Kinyanjui