What is triple extension and when is it used?

Here’s a definition: “Triple Extension refers to the explosive generation of power produced by the simultaneous extension of the hips, knees, & ankles.” The secret to maximizing an athletes force producing capability within the Olympic Lifts is in the correct timing of triple extension.

What is a triple extension in writing?

You can use Triple Extensions to make your writing more colorful. A Triple Extension (3x) is using the same type of word three times in the same sentence.

What do hip extensions do?

Having strong hip extensor muscles helps to stabilize the pelvis, reduce strain on the back, and can help improve your athletic performance in sports that require a lot of power.

What is a triple structure in English?

Meaning. The rule of three can refer to a collection of three words, phrases, sentences, lines, paragraphs/stanzas, chapters/sections of writing and even whole books. The three elements together are known as a triad. The technique is used not just in prose, but also in poetry, oral storytelling, films, and advertising.

What are examples of triples?

Triple is defined as three times as much, or a hit in baseball where the player gets to third base. An example of triple is when a person earns $300 instead of their regular fee of $100. An example of a triple is a hit that gets the hitter one base away from home plate.

What three joint actions comprise triple extension?

A key point to remember with a triple extension are the 3 joints that perform the movement:

  • Hip extension.
  • Knee extension.
  • Ankle plantarflexion.

What movement is the ankle actually doing in triple extension?

Although the extension occurs at the site of your ankle, the actual movement is a result of the power and mechanics generated by several muscles in your calves. Similar to how your gluteal muscles operate, your calf muscles elongate during the shock absorption phase of your running gait.

Which muscle is part of the anterior chain?

The anterior chain refers to the muscle groups in the front of the body, including the pectoral muscles, hip flexors, core, and quadriceps. These muscle groups are responsible for generating the power to propel the body forward, helping the body run, jump, walk, and lift.

What is a power snatch?

The power snatch is received in a partial overhead squat. Without the option of catching in a full squat, the athlete must pull the bar high and focus on a quick change of direction. Complete hip and knee extension followed by a fast turnover of the bar is critical.