What is the Svengali effect?

: a person who manipulates or exerts excessive control over another.

What is a Svengali defense?

After the book’s publication in 1894, the word “svengali” has come to refer to a person who, with evil intent, dominates, manipulates and controls another. In court, the Svengali Defence is a legal tactic that portrays the defendant as a pawn in the scheme of a greater, and more influential, criminal mastermind.

Where did the term Svengali come from?

“one who exerts controlling or mesmeric influence on another,” 1914, from hypnotist character of that name in the novel “Trilby” (1894) by George Du Maurier.

Is Svengali an English word?

a person who completely dominates another, usually with selfish or sinister motives.

Is Svengali real?

Svengali, fictional character, the villain of the romantic novel Trilby (1894) by George du Maurier. The name Svengali became synonymous with an authority figure or mentor who exerts undue, usually evil influence over another person.

What is a synonym for Svengali?

Synonyms:face, national treasure, sleb, personality, celebrity, star, icon, public figure, living legend.

Who was the original Svengali?

But who was the original Svengali? Svengali is one of those rare literary creations that becomes shorthand for a kind of behaviour: in this case, mesmeric control over another. He originated in George du Maurier’s novel Trilby. The book was a publishing phenomenon.

Was there a real Svengali?

What language is the word Svengali?

Svengali in British English (svɛnˈɡɑːlɪ ) noun. a person who controls another’s mind, usually with sinister intentions. Word origin. after a character in George Du Maurier’s novel Trilby (1894)

What is the opposite of Svengali?

Opposite of a person who uses deceit and dishonesty for their own gain. dupe. follower. fool. manipulatee.

Is Svengali a real person?