What is the most snow ever recorded in Wisconsin?

Record snows in Wisconsin Record seasonal snowfall-Wisconsin: Hurley with 277.7 inches of snow in the winter of 1996-97. Record season snowfall-Madison: 101.4 inches during the winter of 2007-2008. (About 114 inches fell on Madison during the 1880-1881 winter, but that number is unofficial).

What city in Wisconsin gets the most snow?

of Hurley
The record for seasonal snowfall in Wisconsin belongs to the small town of Hurley which received a whopping 277.7 inches of snow during the winter of 1996-1997. That’s why it is known as the town that gets the most snow in Wisconsin.

What city in Wisconsin gets the least amount of snow?

This Wisconsin city has the best of everything. Hallmarked as the second oldest city in Wisconsin, Prairie du Chien has more sunshine and less snow than most other cities in the state. With a high average summer temperature of 84 degrees Fahrenheit, Prairie du Chien only sees 35 inches of snow on average each year.

What is the earliest recorded snowfall in Wisconsin?

September 24-26, 1942 snowstorm In many locations, not only in Wisconsin but also in the surrounding states, this was the earliest measurable snow on record. In northern Wisconsin, the city of Tomahawk recorded 5.7 inches of snow and Deerskin Dam in Eagle River recorded an unprecedented 6.3 inches of newly fallen snow.

What was the worst snowstorm in Wisconsin?

The worst snowstorm thought to ever hit Wisconsin brought two blizzards in a single week in March 1881, with drifts up to 40 feet high. All railroad traffic was shut down, as was travel on regular roads and streets. Some people were trapped inside their homes and had to dig tunnels to get out.

What is the coldest city in Wisconsin?

Eau Claire
Actually, Eau Claire is the coldest city in Wisconsin and the 11th coldest in the U.S., according to average winter temperatures tracked by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climactic Data Center.

What’s the coldest city in Wisconsin?

Actually, Eau Claire is the coldest city in Wisconsin and the 11th coldest in the U.S., according to average winter temperatures tracked by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climactic Data Center.

What’s the coldest place in Wisconsin?

The official record coldest temperature in the state of Wisconsin is -55 from 7 miles west of Couderay on February 4, 1996. While that’s the official record, those that lived near Rice Lake and Cameron on January 9, 1977 will know what they lived through, and it’s very real to them.

What is the sunniest city in Wisconsin?

It might be hard to believe during the winter months, but three Wisconsin cities made the list of sunniest cities in the U.S….Believe It Or Not, 3 Wisconsin Cities Are Among The Sunniest In…

  • No. 133: Green Bay, WI, 54%
  • No. 134: Madison, WI, 54%
  • No. 73: Milwaukee, WI, 54%

What is the snowiest month in Wisconsin?

December. Not surprisingly, the number of snowiest month stations skyrockets in December, with the exception of the northeastern quadrant of the contiguous U.S. Some cities counting the final month of the year as their snowiest month include: Madison, Wisconsin: 13.1 inches.

Did it ever snow in June in Wisconsin?

The record-warmth in May has helped many to forget the incredible snowy and cold conditions April brought to the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes, but in Appleton, Wisconsin, an impressive snow pile remains in early June as a reminder.