What is the message of Ephesians 4?

Paul exhorts the church about its “calling”, to live the whole life as a response to God’s summons, while maintaining the unity in the Spirit; this a common calling for every believer, regardless of rank or ability, focusing on one common Lord, Jesus.

What did Paul say about being content?

Philippians 4:11. “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.” That’s awesome, Paul.

What does the Bible say about being content?

1 Timothy 6:6-12 But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.

What does Ephesians 5 talk about?

“As their own bodies”: like a common Jewish saying that a man’s wife is, “as his own body”; and it is one of the precepts of their wise men, that a man should honour his wife more than his body, and “love her as his body”; for as they also say, they are but one body; the apostle seems to speak in the language of his …

What does content mean biblically?

To be content, one detached from outward circumstances and (had) resources in oneself to meet every situation (Bible Knowledge Commentary). Oddly enough in Philippians, Paul used this not-so-Christian terminology to illustrate that Christians could be independent of circumstances if trusting in God’s resources.

What is the secret of being content?

Contentment is being satisfied and at peace in your marriage and other relationships, with possessions, status, jobs, and a multitude of other life circumstances.

How do we get fullness of God?

To be filled with the fullness of God is to be conscious of and yielded to God’s presence, strength, care for others, spiritual authority, moral excellence and character (holiness, righteousness, love). God wants us to be filled with his fullness both individually and collectively, as the Church of Christ.