What is the difference between provenance and provenience?

Provenance: The detailed history of where an artifact has been since its creation. Provenience: The precise location where an artifact or archaeological sample was recovered archaeologically.

What is a provenience in archaeology?

A dictionary meaning of Provenience is “place of origin”. In the Parks Canada provenience system, it means the place of origin of an archaeological object, of a cluster of archaeological objects, of a feature or features, of a sample of soil, mortar, charcoal or other material.

Which of the following is an example of an Ecofact?

An ecofact is a find at an archaeological site which comes from something living, but which has not been modified by human activity. Examples are wheat seeds, sheep bones, or seashells at inland sites.

Why is provenience important in archaeology?

The provenience of an artifact can be the place where it was found in excavations – that is a very important piece of information. Artifacts and other archaeological objects with an unknown provenience provide very little information for learning about the past.

What is a matrix in archaeology?

A Harris Matrix is a tool that archaeologists use to keep track of stratigraphy and stratigraphic units. By using the laws of stratigraphy, archaeologists create these logic diagrams to record the top-down sequence of stratigraphic deposits and help make sense of the information they contain.

What is rescue or salvage archaeology?

Contract archaeology (often called “rescue” or “salvage” archaeology) is archaeological survey and excavation carried out, under commercial contract, in areas threatened by, or revealed by, construction or other development.

What is considered an ecofact?

In archaeology, a biofact (more commonly known as an ecofact) is any organic material including flora or fauna material found at an archaeological site that has not been technologically altered by humans yet still has cultural relevance.

What is Ethnoarchaeology How does it help the study of history?

Ethnoarchaeology is the ethnographic study of peoples for archaeological reasons, usually through the study of the material remains of a society (see David & Kramer 2001). Ethnoarchaeology aids archaeologists in reconstructing ancient lifeways by studying the material and non-material traditions of modern societies.

What is the difference between bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology?

As discussed earlier, bioarchaeologists are concerned with human remains from archaeological contexts, while forensic anthropologists work with modern cases that fall within the scope of law enforcement investigations.

How do I become a Bioarchaeologist?

The minimum amount of education needed to work in the field of archaeology is a 4-year college degree (BA or BS). Usually archaeologists major in anthropology or archaeology. They also receive training in archaeological field and laboratory techniques.

What is the Harris matrix method?