What is ERCP cannulation?

Cannulation is the passage of a guidewire, catheter, or other device through a duodenoscope into the bile duct or pancreatic duct at Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiography and Pancreatography (ERCP).

Where is the catheter inserted during an ERCP procedure?

How do doctors perform ERCP?

  1. locates the opening where the bile and pancreatic ducts empty into the duodenum.
  2. slides a thin, flexible tube called a catheter through the endoscope and into the ducts.

What is endoscopic cannulation of papilla?

Endoscopic cannulation of the papilla of Vater is proving to be a valuable, practical, low-risk procedure that can significantly increase diagnostic accuracy in biliary-pancreatic disease and that helps avoid the risk, discomfort, and inconvenience of surgical exploration in a substantial number of patients. 1.

What does unable to Cannulate mean?

Difficult cannulation is defined as a situation where the endoscopist, using his/her regularly used cannulation technique, fails within a certain time limit or after a certain number of unsuccessful attempts. Different methods have been developed to manage difficult cannulation.

What is CBD cannulation?

Background: Successful cannulation of the common bile duct (CBD) remains the benchmark for ERCP. Use of a pancreatic duct (PD) stent to facilitate biliary cannulation has been described, although the majority of patients require precut sphincterotomy to achieve CBD cannulation.

What instruments are used for ERCP?

Endoscope (side- or forward-viewing)

  • View of duodenoscope tip.
  • Side-viewing endoscope.
  • Fluoroscopy table and dual-screen procedure monitors.
  • Sphincterotome in bowed position.
  • Two different sizes of biliary stone baskets.
  • Biliary stricture–dilating balloon catheter.
  • Biliary stents.

What anesthesia is used for ERCP?

Two common ways of providing sedation for ERCP are to administer combined intravenous midazolam (sedative agent) and meperidine (morphine-like opioid) or the drug propofol (a sedative-anaesthetic agent) to patients.

Why would an ERCP be unsuccessful?

Difficulties leading to a failed ERCP procedure may involve: Blockage of passageways by tumors. Altered anatomy due to previous surgery. Duodenal stenosis, a rare birth defect causing a narrowing in the small intestine. Intestinal pocket.

How long does ERCP last?

The length of the examination varies between 30 and 90 minutes (but is usually less than an hour). After ERCP, you will be monitored while the sedative medications wear off.