What is average rainfall in Odisha?

The climate of Orissa falls under the category of tropical monsoon type of climate and in this, Orissa is not different from the rest of the country. Orissa receives a decent annual average rainfall of about 200 cm. The rainfall has a key role to play in the climate of Orissa.

Which is the highest rainfall in Odisha?

Highest annual rainfall of 1905.2 mm received in the year 1990 and highest southwest monsoon rainfall of 1528.1 mm received in the year 1994.

Which one is responsible for rainfall in Odisha?

south-west monsoon
Which one is responsible for rainfall in Odisha? Notes: The south-west monsoon brings rain to Odisha. The arrival of the monsoon over Odisha is between 5th June to 10th June.

Is there monsoon in Odisha?

Normally the southwest monsoon reaches Odisha between June 12-15.

What is the average rainfall of Odisha during rainy season?

200 cm.
Notes: The average rainfall of Odisha during the rainy season is 200 cm. During the rainy season, the coastal areas of the state usually experience cyclone and tornado.

What is the average rainfall of Odisha during the rainy season?

The countrywide cumulative rainfall for the overall season from June 1 till September 30 was recorded at 874.6 mm against the normal rains of 880.6 mm.

What about monsoon in Odisha?

Monsoon usually takes 10 to 12 days to arrive in Odisha after hitting the Kerala coast. In 2021, monsoon arrived in the State on its normal onset date – June 10. Initial monsoon rains are experienced over south Andaman Sea and the monsoon winds then advance north-westwards across the Bay of Bengal.

What is average rainfall?

normal or average rainfall is the amount of precipitation that we expect per year (in a given area). it is obtained and set by calculating the average (mean) of precipitation recorded in an area during many years ( at least 30 years). Annual rainfall or precipitation is the sum of daily rainfall in a year.

What is average rainfall in CM?

The average rainfall in India is 118 cm according to annual data from the Meteorological Department.