What is AFFINIS?

The Latin word affinis can be translated as “closely related to”, or “akin to”. An author who inserts n. sp., or sp. nov., aff before a species name thereby states the opinion that the specimen is a new, previously undescribed species, but that there may not (yet) be enough information to complete a formal description.

What is putty wash impression technique?

The putty-wash technique is commonly used in making impressions with silicone elastomers. Errors in manipulation may lead to inaccurate impressions. A technique is presented ensuring exact reseating of the putty impression tray and creation of a uniform wash space, which are essential for accurate results.

What is monophase impression material?

Affinity Monophase Hydroactive Impression Material is a cost-effective single-phase impression material, ideal for implant impressions, edentulous, partial impressions and fabrication of clear aligners in orthodontic treatments.

What is the difference between light body and heavy body impression material?

The heavy body has a higher viscosity and is generally placed in the impression tray to support the light body material for crown and bridge impressions.

What does AFF plant mean?

the abbreviation “aff.” stands for affinis which means similar or close to and is often used when the actual species is unknown but they believe that it might be that species.

What is AFF in taxonomy?

Aff. ( Latin: affinis) literally means related to or. neighboring and, in taxonomy, usually indicates having af- finity with but not identity with (Schenk and McMasters, 1948:27).

What are the three ways of recording putty-wash impression?

The 3 putty-wash impression techniques used were (1) 1-step (putty and wash impression materials used simultaneously); (2) 2-step with 2-mm relief (putty first as a preliminary impression to create 2-mm wash space with prefabricated copings.

What is putty and wash?

What is the most accurate impression material?

1. The polyethers produced the most accurate complete-arch replicas. The second most accurate were the vinyl polysiloxanes, followed by the polysulfides and the irreversible-reversible hydrocolloids. The least accurate were the reversible hydrocolloids and the irreversible hydrocolloids.

What is polysulfide used for in dentistry?

Use of Polysulfide Impression Materials. – Polysulfide impression material is often used with custom trays to increase the accuracy of the impression. preparation, and heavy-body material is used in the tray. – Light and medium-body materials are used for full- denture impressions.

What is the best impression material?

Elastomeric impression materials (polyethers, polyvinyl siloxanes, and hybrids) are popular impression materials because of their excellent physical and mechanical properties including excellent detail reproduction, high elastic recovery and good dimensional stability.

What materials are used for impressions?

By their composition, the impression materials are divided into three major groups: nonaqueous elastomers, hydrocolloids, and inelastic materials. Elastomers include polysulfide, condensation and addition silicone, and polyether. Hydrocolloids are alginate and agar.