What is ACI 117?

As the title “Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials (ACI 117)” implies, the toler- ances given are standard or usual tolerances that apply to various types and uses of concrete construction. They are based on normal needs and common construction tech- niques and practices.

What is the acceptable tolerance for concrete slab?

Traditionally allowable tolerances of concrete floor slabs were determined by checking the slab surface with a 10 foot straightedge. Common tolerances were 1/8 inch or 1/4 inch in 10 feet.

What is the difference between ACI 301 and ACI 318?

Though compatible and consistent with ACI 318, AC I 301 is different. While ACI 318 presents minimum re- q u i rements for public safety, ACI 301 presents above – minimum construction re q u i re m e n t s. Fo l l owing AC I 318 guarantees safe design, not good constru c t i o n .

What is a Class B concrete finish?

Class B Finish means any material classified at more than twenty-five (25) but not more than seventy-five (75) on the flame spread test scale and 450 or less on the smoke test scale described in 6-5.3. 1 of the NFPA-101.

What are acceptable construction tolerances?

The Handbook of Construction Tolerance suggests +/- 1/4″ for light-frame construction and +/- 1/8″ for heavy timber construction. Echoing this, the UFGS suggests a 1/4″ tolerance limit for layout of walls and partitions, relative to intended location.

How is FF and FL calculated?

To calculate FL, add the absolute value of the z mean to three times the standard deviation, then invert the number. Flatness numbers are on a scale of 10 to 150, and most slabs fall in the range of 15 to 100. The minimum FL and FF values needed will depend on the building type.

Is code for PCC thickness?

The Thickness of PCC: The thickness of PCC is normally 50mm over Brick Flat Soling (BFS). If you don’t use BFS below PCC then the thickness should be 75¬mm. When the PCC is used in car parking area then the thickness should be 75mmover BFS.

What is the latest ACI 301?

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) published ACI 301-20, Specifications for Concrete Construction, in October 2020. This standard specification establishes criteria for concrete construction that can be incorporated by reference into contract documents. ACI 301 is written to the contractor.

What is the latest version of ACI 301?

ACI 301-20
The American Concrete Institute has released the new ACI 301-20, Specifications for Concrete Construction, along with the companion ACI Field Reference Manual. ACI 301 is a reference specification that engineers, architects, and specifiers can apply to projects involving concrete construction.

What is class A finish concrete?

Class A finishes are general for exposed walls where the finish is critical for appearance purposes however a more widely specified area where you will typically see Class A finish requirements is in the waste water treatment area. Not for appearance but for usability.

What is class B concrete used for?

Class B – Footings, pedestals, massive pier shafts, pipe bedding, and gravity walls, unreinforced or with only a small amount of reinforcement. Class C – Thin reinforced sections, railings, precast R.C. piles and cribbing and for filler in steel grid floors. Class P – Prestressed concrete structures and members.

What is the purpose of ACI 117?

INTRODUCTION This commentary pertains to “Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials (ACI- 117).” The purpose of the report is to provide graphic and written interpretations for the specification and its application. No structure is exactly level, plumb, straight, and true.

When do I take the ACI report?

117R-8 ACI COMMITTEE REPORT are to be taken within 72 hr after floor slab installation and before shores and/or forms are removed. SECTION 5—PRECAST CONCRETE 5.0

What are the different types of ACI codes?

General building ACI 302, 303, 304, 318, 347 Special structures ACI 307, 313, 316, 325, 332, 334, 344, 345, 349, 350, 357, 358 Precast construction ACI 347 Masonry construction ACI 531 Materials ACI 211, 223, 302, 304, 315, 318, 531, 543