What is a UI 3 40 form Illinois?

Employers must file wage reports (Form UI-3/40​) and pay contributions in the month after the close of each calendar quarter – that is, on or before April 30, July 31, October 31, and January 31.

Can an independent contractor collect unemployment in Illinois?

Gig workers and independent contractors now qualify for unemployment benefits in Illinois.

Can I still file for Pua in Illinois?

Individuals can still generally apply for PUA within 21 days of receiving a decision on a pending adjudication or appeal that denies regular UI benefits. However, PUA benefits are only payable retroactively through the week ending September 4th, 2021.

What triggers an unemployment audit Illinois?

The IDES audits businesses generally for three reasons: random selection, errors in completing the UI/3-40, or because of an unemployment insurance claim.

How much do you have to make to qualify for unemployment in Illinois?

In general, you are monetarily eligible for benefits if you earned at least $1,600 in covered employment in the first 4 of the last 5 completed calendar quarters, including $440 outside the quarter in which wages were highest.

What is a Form IL-941?

Note: Form IL-941 is the only form used to report Illinois income tax withholding with the exception of household employee withholding, which can be reported on Form IL-1040, Individual Income Tax return. If you have household employees, see Publication 121, Illinois Income Tax Withholding for Household Employees.

Can you claim benefits if you are self-employed?

If you or your partner are working, or thinking of starting work, as a self employed person you might qualify for welfare benefits to top up your income.

Will unemployment be extended again after September 2021 Illinois?

The additional weekly payment of $300 under the FPUC program will be extended through September 4, 2021 as well. Claimants on extended state benefits (EB) as of March 11, 2021 will remain on EB. When they exhaust EB, or EB triggers off, they will transition back to PEUC, which was extended through September 4, 2021.

What is considered misconduct for unemployment in Illinois?

DEFINITION OF MISCONDUCT: Under Section 602A of the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act, the definition of misconduct is: “the deliberate and willful violation of a reasonable rule or policy of the employing unit, governing the individual’s behavior in performance of his work, provided such violation has harmed the …