What is a good Gini index?

Relative to a Gini coefficient of 0, income or wealth is distributed quite equally. A coefficient between 0.3–0.4 indicates that there is adequate equality.

How do I find my Gini score?

According to Gini (2005), the Gini index can be calculated as the ratio of the area between the perfect equality line and the Lorenz curve (A) divided by the total area under the perfect equality line (A + B). The Gini index takes values in the unit interval.

Should Gini index be high or low?

In simple terms, Higher Gini Gain = Better Split. Hence, in a Decision Tree algorithm, the best split is obtained by maximizing the Gini Gain, which is calculated in the above manner with each iteration.

Who has the lowest Gini index?

Countries with the highest and lowest Gini coefficients. South Africa ranks as the country with the lowest level of income equality in the world, thanks to a Gini coefficient of 63.0 when last measured in 2014.

What does a Gini of 50 mean?

A Gini coefficient of 50 represents 50 percent concentration in a country’s income distribution. What does it mean to have 50 percent concentration in a country’s income? A Gini of 50 could mean that half the people share all of the income while the other half get nothing.

How does the Gini index work?

It is a way of comparing how distribution of income in a society compares with a similar society in which everyone earned exactly the same amount. Inequality on the Gini scale is measured between 0, where everybody is equal, and 1, where all the country’s income is earned by a single person.

What does a Gini coefficient of 0.5 mean?

Gini index < 0.2 represents perfect income equality, 0.2–0.3 relative equality, 0.3–0.4 adequate equality, 0.4–0.5 big income gap, and above 0.5 represents severe income gap.

Who has the highest Gini?

South Africa had the highest inequality in income distribution with a Gini score of 63, according to the Gini Index 2020. The Gini coefficient measures the deviation of the distribution of income (or consumption) among individuals or households within a country from a perfectly equal distribution.

What country has the highest Gini?

South Africa
GINI index (World Bank estimate) – Country Ranking

Rank Country Value
1 South Africa 63.00
2 Namibia 59.10
3 Suriname 57.60
4 Zambia 57.10

Is high Gini good?

A higher Gini index indicates greater inequality, with high-income individuals receiving much larger percentages of the total income of the population.