What is a cadastre boundary?

The cadastre is a parcel-based system of property (land) administration. It is comprised of physically delineated boundaries, being the extents of parcels or interests in parcels, and datasets containing the public record of the interests (ie. rights, restrictions and responsibilities) in those parcels.

What is the difference between land registration and cadastre?

Land register is normally an up-to-date and ownership-based record unlike cadastre which is normally an up-to-date and parcel-based information system.

What is a cadastre used for?

The Cadastre is a land information system, usually managed by one or more government agencies. Traditionally the Cadastre was designed to assist in land taxation, real estate conveyancing, and land redistribution.

What are cadastral details?

The cadastre is a digital representation of all land parcel and property boundaries in NSW. This includes managing the collection, storage, maintenance and product development, in line with customer requirements, NSW and national policies, initiatives and guidelines, of the authoritative State cadastre.

What are the components of cadastre?

A cadastre commonly includes details of the ownership, the tenure, the precise location (therefore GNSS coordinates are not used due to errors such as multipath), the dimensions (and area), the cultivations if rural, and the value of individual parcels of land.

How cadastral survey is done?

The cadastral survey is carried out by the surveyor who should adhere to legal and geo-spatial measurement principles. The surveyor is responsible for checking the deeds, maps of the properties, survey records, and other legal documents to establish legitimacy.

What is the general boundary rule?

General boundaries rule This rule means that the precise line of a boundary is undetermined by the Land Registry unless an application is made for it to be fixed. Case law has emphasised that the boundary line on a title plan is just a general boundary and cannot show the precise boundary between two properties.

What is land adjudication?

Adjudication is the process of final and authoritative determination of the existing rights and claims of people to land. This may be in the context of first registration of those rights, or it may be to resolve a doubt or dispute after first registration.

Why is Cadastral Survey important?

Cadastral surveys area important for the better management of land as it establishes the extent of each land surveyed. The size, location and other attributes of land are used in the assignment, processing and transfer of interests in land, levying land tax, supporting land markets, etc.