What happens if you fail Ohio Resa?

What happens if I do not pass the Lesson Reflection? You will be eligible to retake the Lesson Reflection if you have not exhausted all possible attempts to take the RESA and you remain eligible for the Resident Educator Program.

What is the Ohio Resa?

Overview of the Ohio RESA The Ohio RESA gives Resident Educators the opportunity to reflect on their practice and receive objective feedback, based on evidence they have chosen, through the submission of a video of their classroom teaching and written commentary.

What does Resa stand for in education in Ohio?

Resident Educator Summative Assessment
The assessment used for the Ohio Resident Educator Program is known as the Resident Educator Summative Assessment, or RESA. The assessment is summative in nature and consists of one Lesson Reflection that requires resident educators to demonstrate reflection and decision making of their instructional practices.

Which year of the resident educator program will teachers be able to take Resa upon consultation with their local program coordinator and mentor?

year 2
REs who are eligible for the program are required to take the Resident Educator Summative Assessment (RESA) in year 3 (or in year 2 upon consultation with their local program coordinator and mentor based on local policies and procedures).

Is RESA required in Ohio?

Ohio Revised Code 3319.223 and Ohio Administrative Code 3301-24-04 provide the basis for the Ohio Resident Educator Program and the requirement to successfully pass the Resident Educator Summative Assessment (RESA).

What makes something academically rigorous?

Academic rigor to us is about the quality of the teaching and learning. At an academically-rigorous school, students feel both success and challenge on a daily basis. In terms of classroom teaching, we view an academically rigorous curriculum as one that has high levels of student engagement and learning.

What states can I teach in with an Ohio teaching license?

Ohio Teacher Reciprocity Agreements

Alabama Indiana Nevada
California Louisiana New Mexico
Colorado Maine New York
Connecticut Maryland North Carolina
Delaware Massachusetts North Dakota

What does Resa stand for?

Regional Educational Service Agency
RESA is an acronym for Regional Educational Service Agency.

What is a resident educator in Ohio?

The Ohio Resident Educator Program is a comprehensive multi-year induction program resulting in Professional Licensure during which a veteran teacher serves in the role of mentor to a teacher who is new to the profession.

What does academically rigorous mean?

Academic Rigor refers to a certain standard of excellence that professors and administrators expect of their students. These standards are made sometimes made clear to students through examples, instruction and rubrics. Sometimes these standards are less defined.

What is TeachForward?

TeachForward delivers a cloud-based solution that enables educators to analyze instructional practice in video and other artifacts to inform the dialogue about good teaching–whether aligning expectations of what good teaching and learning looks like, coaching and mentoring educators, or certifying educators for …

Do colleges care about rigor?

While GPA is definitely important, rigor matters too. Colleges will take into account the types of classes you’re taking. A 3.8 GPA one semester with standard classes is impressive, but so is a 3.4 GPA with two or three advanced placement (AP) courses in the schedule.